



Tvheadend: The first (and last) news post in 6.5 years! (3 comments)

Added by Flole Systems about 1 year ago

This is a heads-up that the forum will be offline for 24-48 hours later this week as we move from Redmine to a modern forum software and enable GitHub issues for bug tracking. This will be a deliberate 'hard' change with no migration of old (mostly very old) content and issues. Redmine will be read-only accessible on for two months to allow manual recreation of must-have forum content or current issues in new locations. Reminders will be posted to the new forum as we count down to the final Redmine turn-off.

Issues have already been migrated to GitHub, so bug reports should be opened over there. New bug reports on Redmine have been disabled now, but old bug reports can still be accessed.

Redmine accounts will be pre-registered in the new forum to preserve usernames, email addresses, and registration dates. We cannot migrate user passwords so everyone will need to follow a "forgotten password" workflow to (re)set their new forum password. Your Redmine username (not full name) will be your identity in the new forum. Redmine accounts that we believe to be spam-bot registrations (approx. 55% of all accounts) will not be migrated. Redmine accounts with email address usernames will not be migrated to prevent the email from becoming visible. If you are forced to re-register but want your original forum registration date restored, please register with the same email address then ask admins to update your user profile (we can cross-reference your email against the old user DB to do this).

The new forum brings lots of improvements: dynamic thread/post tagging, media integration, mobile device support, user management and anti-spam controls. Online communities are defined by their users not their forum software, so it will look and feel different, but different will soon be the new normal. Moving issue tracking to GitHub will help to increase activity and engagement around the codebase, and in the long-term we hope this will encourage greater contribution as we move away from a "sole maintainer" mentality.

Tvheadend: Offiical Apt Repository Changed (7 comments)

Added by Adam Sutton about 9 years ago


Having recently posted to tell you all that I'd got back on-line supporting a more comprehensive suite of builds. I've now decided to follow dreamcat4 and move the official hosting to bintray (I needed a bit of time to investigate it and understand that it's a much better solution).

So the existing auto-build system that feeds has now been altered to post stuff to a new "official" bintray location.

It's my strong recommendation that people downloading packages for Ubuntu / Debian use the new repository as may eventually stop serving content (though no intention to do that any time soon).

For more details please see AptRepository


Tvheadend: Offiical Apt Repository Back (5 comments)

Added by Adam Sutton about 9 years ago


After several years of being unsupported the official apt repository,, is now back on-line.

Unfortunately in my haste to get this up and running I had forgotten that many users may still be porting at the out of date repository and relying on it not updating their systems.

Unfortunately as now documented in AptRepository, the stable repository now includes a nightly build of the stable branch, which at time of writing is release/4.0. And as a result of my haste this has caused many people's systems to be updated from a very old 3.4 to 4.0.8.

I apologise profusely for this. I would normally have ensured plenty of warning, but was simply eager to do something useful after nearly 2 years away from the project.

I can only say that I personally upgraded to a 4.0 release a few months back and before that was using something very similar to 4.0 for some 2 years (and a I'm not usually an early adopter).

While it does have a considerably different configuration system (mostly my fault!), I can honestly say that in my absence perexg has done an excellent job in keeping the project going and has been improving and fixing things left, right and centre. So I suggest you give it a go!

If people do feel particularly aggrieved I will consider creating a special case 3.4 repo that people can use to downgrade, and I believe your configuration should have been backed up during the upgrade process so recovery shouldn't be too traumatic. But eventually you're probably going to want to update to keep up with latest changes, particularly if you integrate with Kodi (where there are many improvements).


Tvheadend: Tvheadend Logo/Website Design (30 comments)

Added by Adam Sutton over 9 years ago

We're looking to replace the frontend site with a new "sexy" design fit for the modern age.

We've had several people comment that redmine makes the site look a bit tired and some have even thought, at first glance, the project was dead.

If you're an experience web designer and fancy having a go at a new site design, put together a basic mockup and post a link in #hts (or on this thread).

The site will need to be a basic frontend explaining what TVH is, pointing to key resources, including github, user docs, wiki, forum and issue tracking (for now the last three will be kept under redmine, but it's not impossible we could change this).

It might also be worth considering a new logo design, so if anyone has any ideas for that, feel free to post here or #hts.


Tvheadend: Site now behind CDN

Added by Andreas Smas almost 10 years ago

This site now runs behind cloudflare and apparently it takes 24 hours for the SSL to be fully configured so from now ( Sat Mar 21 17:50 CET 2015 ) and for the next 24 hours SSL will not work correctly.

Tvheadend: Tvheadend Licensing - Update (1 comment)

Added by Adam Sutton almost 11 years ago


Just a quick update on the previous article. I'm afraid things stalled on the re-licensing effort. There was unfortunately some discord within the developer community which meant that we have not been able to get full buy-in and unfortunately the amount of code that cannot be covered is not insignificant.

However we have decided that we still believe that re-licensing is the best direction for the project and we're going to go ahead with the process, albeit with some minor changes. The main thing is that we will have to deal with the fact that all code cannot be covered.

The manner in which we will do this is on a file by file basis, and as CLAs are received, we will update headers (to include new license copyright etc..) and we will track which files cannot be covered. These will be clearly marked and the LICENSE file will be updated to make this clear. We will attempt to gradually phase this code out of the project but until then there will be some barrier to people fully utilising the new license.

Clearly this is not going to be a trivial effort, and I've already hit the first snag as the tool we were planning to use to track our CLAs is having some technical difficulties (hopefully they're being looked at).

Developers, you will hopefully receive an email shortly regarding signing the CLA. Either once the tool is fixed, or we decide to use an alternative.

Users, you don't need to do anything however be aware that some functionality currently in master may be removed before the next release to comply with the new licensing requirements.

Adam (on behalf of the Team)


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