Reinhard Mantey
04:54 Tvheadend Bug #1715: autorec-entry does not create timer
- Oh my goodness! Shame over me.
Not a bug but a pebcak :O
I need a new pair of sunglasses ...
20:09 Tvheadend Bug #1715 (Invalid): autorec-entry does not create timer
- from the screen shot, the first entry creates timers, but the second does not.
ServusTV HD, which has a matching epg... -
13:23 Tvheadend Bug #1714 (Fixed): Refreshrate of configuration->dvb-inputs->tv-adapters->services
- The refreshrate of the services-page is so annoying - damn :O
If there are plenty services, no manual changes are po...
- Hello,
I randomly notice schedule-entries created by automatic recorder entries, which by no means should have bee...
21:54 Tvheadend Bug #1481: DVB/EIT data not refreshed when recording starts
- Yesterday I was trapped by another sideeffect of this bug:
If a schedule of an autorec happens to fire after i.e. a ...
16:39 Tvheadend Feature #85: Add the possibility to filter the epg viewer by time
- +1
the ability to filter epg by minimum duration would be very handy! Indeed ;) -
16:36 Tvheadend Feature #1457: ability to multiselect recordings to delete them
- +1
I additionally would like the possibility to remove all failed recordings with a single action.
I swap video ...
16:03 Tvheadend Bug #1684: automatic recorder creates multiple (different) shedules for same epg-event
- Ok, got it.
I removed all duplicate schedules and restarted tvh - which created single schedule entries.
Looks li... -
06:26 Tvheadend Bug #1684: automatic recorder creates multiple (different) shedules for same epg-event
- Thanks a lot for the quick hack ;)
I tried it, and it looks unchanged. Does not seem to have anything changed.
14:40 Tvheadend Feature #1508: DVR autorec schedule: ignore particular recording
- Thanks for pointing that out!
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