Bug #1714
Refreshrate of configuration->dvb-inputs->tv-adapters->services
The refreshrate of the services-page is so annoying - damn :O
If there are plenty services, no manual changes are possible - well, nearly ;)
If you change more than one entry or happen to do your changes at a wrong time - all changes are lost and the web-if is frozen until the refreshrate-data is processed.
My box is not the fastest, but not the slowest either - might be midrange system. Network is only 100 MBit/s, but I think, management of webif should be possible even on slower systems.
I would very like the possibility to switch into manual update mode (which might be a feature request), so you can change whatever you like to change and after saving return to automatic update mode.
Anyway - I consider the current behaviour a bug!
cheers Reinhard
Updated by Wolfgang Beer over 11 years ago
This problem exists since way before 3.4, was this way since i started using tvheadend (2.x version i think). gets better when idle scanning is diabled and dvb adapter doesn't do anything, but it still persists.
Updated by Wolfgang Beer over 11 years ago
nevermind, just compiled newest dvb rewrite branch, and there is a switch for auto refresh. so this will be fixed once dvb rewrite is merged into master
Updated by Adam Sutton almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Fixed
New UI has an option to disable auto update.