Pascale Ullrich
- Email: [email protected]
- Registered on: 2016-03-15
- Last connection: 2021-12-09
07:26 Tvheadend Feature #4567: user icon file not present
- If it is in the roadmap, it may be implemented. If not, it could be forgotten.
08:46 Tvheadend Feature #4567: user icon file not present
- because it didn't appear in the roadmap. If the idea had been good, that would have been included in the roadmap, wou...
07:45 Tvheadend Feature #4567: user icon file not present
- How should I program this now? it was a suggestion for improvement, I can't program. We misunderstood each other.
13:55 Tvheadend Feature #4567: user icon file not present
- I thought I had done that with the feature request. How do I do this?
13:34 Tvheadend Feature #4567: user icon file not present
- is that such a bad idea?
13:05 Tvheadend Feature #4567 (New): user icon file not present
- It would be great if tvheadend could detect when a user icon file is not found. Perhaps font in red
22:28 Tvheadend Feature #3360: Support for extended CW API
- I think I have the same problem
2017-06-08 22:20:33.534 capmt: OSCam: Starting CAPMT server for service "RTL HD" o...
14:26 Tvheadend Feature #4375 (Rejected): user-specific channel lists
- is it possible to create user-specific channel lists, or hide individual channels for user
09:01 Tvheadend Feature #3838: IPTV HLS HTTP automatic reconnect
- timeout is not an reconnect. the webtv channel: disco...
08:13 Tvheadend Feature #3838 (Accepted): IPTV HLS HTTP automatic reconnect
- it would be perfect if would be a reconnect with WEBTV / IPTV soon tvheadend noted that there is no pending signal. T...
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