hans flauscher
19:56 Tvheadend General: RE: Anyone using a TV with a SatIP client to watch?
- ah ok, yea no worries. That also worked flawlessly for me!
But the standard TV, you know, for grandparent-proof o... -
10:53 Tvheadend General: RE: Anyone using a TV with a SatIP client to watch?
- Hi,
wait- "xxx_satip which is applied in the parameter tab, networks, for the virtual sat>ip adapter" --that is on y...
- Has anyone a working setup where TVH is the satip server and a TV is the client? My TVH crashes at channel serach...
- Hi there,
I've been setting up TVH on a RPi2 yesterday, latest stable release. I run the service with "-u root" to... -
12:41 Tvheadend Tutorial and setups: RE: configurar tvheadend
- hola, hablas ingles tambien? sera mas facil...
y, por favor, di me a donde lo quieres instalar? raspberry pi? -
12:36 Tvheadend General: RE: Is it possible to add TV Headend streams as sources to a second TV Headend?
- I'm quite a noob with tvheadend; but as you didn't get any other responses: I've been playing around and testing diff...
12:29 Tvheadend General: RE: TVheadend install destroys Raspbian Jessie (PI 2)
- I just did a clean new install yesterday: RPi2, 4GB SD card, using Raspbian Lite, latest stable version of tvh - no p...
23:15 Tvheadend General: RE: HDHomerun as Sat>ip for Panasonic TV?
- although this is an old thread, maybe it helps (somebody):
did you run tvheadend as root? Else setting SatIP port ...
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