Claus Holbech
- Email: [email protected]
- Registered on: 2013-10-17
- Last connection: 2015-03-15
06:44 Tvheadend Bug #1844: Stream client stops recieving data after CWC errors
- Hi Adam
Thank for your suggestion, i will try that, and get back to you.
Another quite annoying issue, is that ...
23:12 Tvheadend Bug #1844: Stream client stops recieving data after CWC errors
- I can see that I am not the only with his issue, I was beginning to think that is was just my setup that was the prob...
11:53 Tvheadend Bug #1844: Stream client stops recieving data after CWC errors
- The same issues is in also version 3.5.243
11:34 Tvheadend Bug #1844 (Fixed): Stream client stops recieving data after CWC errors
- Running VLC streams for a longer period of time on an encrypted channel will result in client not receiving any data ...
- When a channel fails to recieve a key from CWC for some reason, TVH stops sending data to http stream.
The bandwid...
20:00 Tvheadend General: RE: 2 houses and tvheadend
- You can transcode with VLC or ffmpeg, and you can get en acceptable picture on 1 Mbit/s, but Trancsoding requires alo...
- I have setup Tvheadend Vesrion 3.5.243 with a TBS9685 card, and it seems to work fine.
I have then connnected seve...
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