Jon Rotaetxe
- 06:06 Tvheadend Tutorial and setups: RE: Unable to open local m3u file
- Sure, but the problem is previous, seeing the message "no such file or directory".
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="x...
- 20:39 Tvheadend Tutorial and setups: RE: Unable to open local m3u file
- No, no...
You are both right, but the problem exists...
See the new (right now) capture
- 08:27 Tvheadend Tutorial and setups: RE: Unable to open local m3u file
- Hi, Saen, Hiro
As you can see in the capture, The putty session lists 1.m3u in the right folder with all the prope...
- Attached I have put a capture.
I am unable to force a local file to be found. What ma I doing wrong?
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