Chico Zola
- Email: [email protected]
- Registered on: 2011-12-02
- Last connection: 2014-08-16
- Hi there.
Anyone able to tell me if the TBS MOI+ IPTV Streaming Server box works well with tvheadend wich is pre-...
09:49 Tvheadend Bug #1429: problem with empty service names
- Just configured a new system and it seems like the scanning now sets the service names in almost every case. some mux...
09:38 Tvheadend Feature #1632 (Fixed): auto setting channel numbers alphabetically
- Hi
I’m missing an option in the web gui that sets the channel numbers based on an alphabetic sort.
I have not be...
16:23 Tvheadend Bug #1429 (Fixed): problem with empty service names
- Upgraded from 2.12 to 3.3.163~ge16707b. It worked great until I deleted all muxes and made a new scan. I realized tha...
- tvheadend version: 3.3.157~g70f0801
Nov 21 20:05:46 cwc: Sending ECM section=0/0, for MYCHANNEL (seqno: 490) PID 1...
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