


moi+ descrambling

Added by Chico Zola over 10 years ago

Hi there.

Anyone able to tell me if the TBS MOI+ IPTV Streaming Server box works well with tvheadend wich is pre-installed? Im looking for an easy setup to work with conax encryptet channels out of the box and it sounds like the moi+ box is a possible solution.

Im planing to order the moi+ with the DVB-S2 Dual Tuner with Dual CI and need to know if I use the onboard CI can I then skip the use of an external smartcardreader and oscam setup or do tvheadend still need to decrypt the channels?

Replies (2)

RE: moi+ descrambling - Added by Raymond Paulsen over 10 years ago

The CI part is not supported on tvheadend. if you want to use CI slots you need to use mumudvb and then send ipstreams to tvheadend.

There is a new version of TBS PRO it support 2 quad cards with total of 8 decoders, if you want to use CI there is only dual cards with a max 4 tuners. 1 dual with ci and one quad without ci can be combined

RE: moi+ descrambling - Added by Thomas G over 10 years ago

Hi Everybody!

ist this still valid? I am looking for an easy to use DVB-Server to feed my house with TV Signals. But i will certainly need CI support and would like to do it all with tvheadend...

Thanks in advance!
