Marti McFly
- Email: [email protected]
- Registered on: 2018-07-09
- Last connection: 2021-10-25
14:58 Tvheadend General: RE: TVheadend and Elgato Netstream 4C
- The Netstream 4C works with this fix
12:40 Tvheadend Bug #5101: EyeTV Netstream 4C
- Lately I've googled this topic and figured out, that someone has explained how to upgrade to 402r1 on the Geniatec-Fo...
18:05 Tvheadend Bug #5157: Devices Implementing Sat>Ip Specification v1.2.2 for DVB-C do not work
- Your right, nothing. You can customize both parameter to your needs now. Thanks again!
10:47 Tvheadend Bug #5157: Devices Implementing Sat>Ip Specification v1.2.2 for DVB-C do not work
- So with #5231 50% are done :)
03:22 Tvheadend Bug #5157: Devices Implementing Sat>Ip Specification v1.2.2 for DVB-C do not work
- I implemented the options in this pullrequests. The options are set automatically for netstream 4c devices and fronte...
03:20 Tvheadend Bug #5101: EyeTV Netstream 4C
- fixed with this pull requests
09:24 Tvheadend Bug #5101: EyeTV Netstream 4C
- @saen acro: Can you try this with your 4C?
22:35 Tvheadend Bug #5157: Devices Implementing Sat>Ip Specification v1.2.2 for DVB-C do not work
- Hey!
With very small changes I made the Sat>Ip compliant Geniatech Netstream 4C work with tvheadend. Please just t... -
22:26 Tvheadend Bug #5101: EyeTV Netstream 4C
- because it got truncated...
ssh root [at] ipadressofnetstream4c -
22:25 Tvheadend Bug #5101: EyeTV Netstream 4C
- With very small changes I made the Netstream 4c work with tvheadend. I'm impressed so far!
As I mentioned, the sat...
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