


Bug #5157

Devices Implementing Sat>Ip Specification v1.2.2 for DVB-C do not work

Added by Marti McFly over 6 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

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Hey Guys! Thanks for your awesome work! For years I'm a happy TVH user. To continue this story I bought an Elgate/Geniatech Netstream 4C. After a successfully test with VLC, DVBViewer, and EyeTV I was suprised, that it didn't work with TVH.

A lot of research revealed why. TVH does some things, which don't go along with the Sat>IP specification.

Appendix A: Sat>Ip does explicitly tell not to use specific front end (fe=1).
Appendix D: There's a specific list of parameters, that has to be used for DVB-C. This includes speinv=0 with dvb-C tuners.

Both are not the case.

Please read all about this in issue number #5101. #4016 used to talk about a comparable issue.




Updated by Marti McFly over 6 years ago


With very small changes I made the Sat>Ip compliant Geniatech Netstream 4C work with tvheadend. Please just take this as proof of concept!

As I mentioned, the Sat>Ip specification recommends letting the Sat>Ip device select the frontend. In consequence, the Netstream 4c does not support the frontend/tuner selection and reports errorno 505 in case tvh tries to pass the frontend parameter.

I'd appreciate a checkbox in the tvh-adapter configuration, which could be named like "Disable fe (frontend) selection" or "FE supported". This should disable the "fe="-parameter in rtsp protocol.

The „fe=“-parameter is used to adress the frontend/tuner. Since tvh won't adress more then the 4 possible tuners, I don't think it's going to be a problem to remove the parameter for such cases. Except you'll use up all 4 tuners by another device. But even then tvh just won't be able to use the occupied tuners and reports a simple message.

Next missing thing is the "specinv=0" parameter for dvb-c devices. This should be passed to all dvb-c devices. Without this, the Netstream 4C does not accept the connection. In doubt this could be implemented as an checkable option, too.

Please see more details in


Updated by Marti McFly over 6 years ago

I implemented the options in this pullrequests. The options are set automatically for netstream 4c devices and frontends.


Updated by Marti McFly over 6 years ago

So with #5231 50% are done :)


Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 6 years ago

Both changes are pushed, what is missing?


Updated by Marti McFly over 6 years ago

Your right, nothing. You can customize both parameter to your needs now. Thanks again!


Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Fixed

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