Bug #5157
Devices Implementing Sat>Ip Specification v1.2.2 for DVB-C do not work
Hey Guys! Thanks for your awesome work! For years I'm a happy TVH user. To continue this story I bought an Elgate/Geniatech Netstream 4C. After a successfully test with VLC, DVBViewer, and EyeTV I was suprised, that it didn't work with TVH.
A lot of research revealed why. TVH does some things, which don't go along with the Sat>IP specification.
Appendix A: Sat>Ip does explicitly tell not to use specific front end (fe=1).
Appendix D: There's a specific list of parameters, that has to be used for DVB-C. This includes speinv=0 with dvb-C tuners.
Both are not the case.
Please read all about this in issue number #5101. #4016 used to talk about a comparable issue.
Updated by Marti McFly over 6 years ago
With very small changes I made the Sat>Ip compliant Geniatech Netstream 4C work with tvheadend. Please just take this as proof of concept!
As I mentioned, the Sat>Ip specification recommends letting the Sat>Ip device select the frontend. In consequence, the Netstream 4c does not support the frontend/tuner selection and reports errorno 505 in case tvh tries to pass the frontend parameter.
I'd appreciate a checkbox in the tvh-adapter configuration, which could be named like "Disable fe (frontend) selection" or "FE supported". This should disable the "fe="-parameter in rtsp protocol.
The „fe=“-parameter is used to adress the frontend/tuner. Since tvh won't adress more then the 4 possible tuners, I don't think it's going to be a problem to remove the parameter for such cases. Except you'll use up all 4 tuners by another device. But even then tvh just won't be able to use the occupied tuners and reports a simple message.
Next missing thing is the "specinv=0" parameter for dvb-c devices. This should be passed to all dvb-c devices. Without this, the Netstream 4C does not accept the connection. In doubt this could be implemented as an checkable option, too.
Please see more details in https://tvheadend.org/issues/5101#note-39
Updated by Marti McFly over 6 years ago
I implemented the options in this pullrequests. The options are set automatically for netstream 4c devices and frontends.
Updated by Marti McFly over 6 years ago
Your right, nothing. You can customize both parameter to your needs now. Thanks again!