

Neil Duffy

  • Registered on: 2017-05-31
  • Last connection: 2019-06-24




22:34 Tvheadend General: Moving from stable to unstable
Hi guys,
Having used the latest stable for sometime, but needed some features only found in the latest releases, I...
Neil Duffy


12:18 Tvheadend General: RE: Create an option to transcode stream to video:ac3
Okay, I'll answer this myself... the 'spawn' feature is a part of the 'development' / unstable package. Neil Duffy
12:04 Tvheadend General: RE: Create an option to transcode stream to video:ac3
I'm a dev myself and I'm assuming there'd be a stream profile called 'spawn', where the option / argument would the b... Neil Duffy
11:49 Tvheadend General: RE: Create an option to transcode stream to video:ac3
That's ok then, but please tell me how to select this as a profile? Neil Duffy
11:25 Tvheadend General: RE: Create an option to transcode stream to video:ac3
dpkg --list | grep tvh
ii tvheadend 4.2.8-23~g74cdf3f16~bi...
Neil Duffy
11:04 Tvheadend General: RE: Create an option to transcode stream to video:ac3
Oh wow, I've been hunting through the settings and docs, not seen anything like that, but it does sound like what I n... Neil Duffy
10:41 Tvheadend General: RE: Create an option to transcode stream to video:ac3
Yes.... a container with pass through video, but audio transcoded to dolby digital, ac3. I'd usually do with via ffmp... Neil Duffy


01:46 Tvheadend General: Create an option to transcode stream to video:ac3
Does anyone know how I could go about this?
Neil Duffy


02:12 Tvheadend General: default stream profile
Hi, I'm using an excellent plugin for google live channels (via the nvidia shield) called PVR Live to interact (and v... Neil Duffy
02:02 Tvheadend General: ffmpeg stream profile
I've had a good look around the UI and navigated the docs, but I cannot tell if I'm permitted to create a prof...
Neil Duffy

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