Magnus Pfeffer
- My setup are two USB DVB-S2 Technotrend S2-3600 receivers on a 4-LNB switch (Diseq 2.0, Satellites E28.2, E19.2, E13,...
16:59 Tvheadend Bug #617: Tvheadend + xmbc -> lag during initial scan
- Hi,
I have noticed the same problem. As waiting for over 500 muxes is not an option, I simply commented the bit of...
16:26 Tvheadend Bug #356 (Fixed): Automatic mux discovery find muxes multiple times on Hotbird 13E
- Hi,
while poking at Tvheadend to resolve bug #249 I found that automatic mux discovery is not working properly for... -
14:19 Tvheadend Bug #249: Transponder quality detected at 100%, but no services are detected
- Hi,
some further testing reveals that this bug is somehow caused by interaction between the transponder list that ... -
11:37 Tvheadend Bug #249: Transponder quality detected at 100%, but no services are detected
- Hi,
this bug is actually a regression. The services on both problematic Hotbird 13E muxes are detected fine with t...
15:08 Tvheadend Bug #249: Transponder quality detected at 100%, but no services are detected
- Hi,
as maybe a 4 MB dump is insufficient to debug this issue, I created a larger TS dump of the Hotbird 13E, 11179...
23:28 Tvheadend Bug #249: Transponder quality detected at 100%, but no services are detected
- Hi,
and here the dump for the mux in the original bug report.... -
23:10 Tvheadend Bug #249: Transponder quality detected at 100%, but no services are detected
- Hi,
I googled, learned about dvbstream and recorded a full TS dump of the offending MUX:... -
22:51 Tvheadend Bug #249: Transponder quality detected at 100%, but no services are detected
- satfan39 - wrote:
> On Hotbird 13E, 11,240 Ghz, mux gets detected ok at 100% quality but no services shows up in the...
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