dhead 666
- Email: [email protected]
- Registered on: 2011-06-13
- Last connection: 2015-10-03
- Tvheadend (Wiki Editor, 2015-01-27)
05:19 Tvheadend Bug #3074: HE-AAC v2 No sound
- I should point that this sample is from a service in testings that officially isn't up yet, it's in this state for a ...
15:38 Tvheadend Bug #3069 (Fixed): [backport request] xmltv: handle timezone attached to time with no space padding
- I'm not sure if this fall in the fixes category but it would be nice if it can be cherry-picked for stable 4.0.x, mai...
08:27 Tvheadend Wiki edit: Custom_MPEG-TS_Input (#23)
- re-wording
18:52 Tvheadend Wiki edit: Custom_MPEG-TS_Input (#22)
- add a note about -tune zerolatency
18:46 Tvheadend Wiki edit: Custom_MPEG-TS_Input (#21)
- ffmpeg 2.6 now supports service_type setting
01:03 Tvheadend General: RE: August DVB-T210
- If the fw isn't updated in OpenELEC then you can send a PR or open an issue at
11:53 Tvheadend Feature #2643: Wiki: add details on how to use xmltv.sock
- Thanks, this can be marked as resolved, I'll update the wiki soon :)
11:47 Tvheadend Bug #2644: htsmsg_xml_deserialize fails when <!DOCTYPE> exist in xmltv.xml
- The patch works perfectly :)
02:37 Tvheadend Bug #2644: htsmsg_xml_deserialize fails when <!DOCTYPE> exist in xmltv.xml
- I'm not sure if to call it resolved but the reason for the issue is probably because the file starting with the follo...
02:12 Tvheadend Bug #2644 (Fixed): htsmsg_xml_deserialize fails when <!DOCTYPE> exist in xmltv.xml
- While testing a network tuner (VBox) I found this issue with the auto generated xmltv.xml which includes <!DOCTYPE>, ...
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