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Bob Lightfoot, 2015-03-20 07:52
To be able to install TVHeadend permanently on your system, or distribute to others, its highly recommend that you build a package.
But before you can do this make sure you have read the basic build instructions here
Different distributions will have different package formats, however TVHeadend comes with scripts to help build several common ones.
Ubuntu / Debian¶
To build a deb package for the latest version of Ubuntu (Precise, at the time of writing) you can do the following:
x86 32-bit
$ ./ -t precise-i386
x86 64-bit
$ ./ -t precise-amd64
Note: Although the scripts are named precise (for Ubuntu 12.04) they will work just fine with most recent versions of Debian/Ubuntu.
Note: the generated deb will be in the directory above that containing (i.e. outside of the tvheadend directory).
Note: the -dbg package contains debug symbols, generally you won't need these.
Configure Options¶
You can also pass specific configuration options to the configure script by setting the AUTOBUILD_CONFIGURE_EXTRA environment variable.
$ AUTOBUILD_CONFIGURE_EXTRA=--enable-bundle ./ -t precise-amd64
Redhat/Centos/Fedora Build assumptions¶
Redhat/Centos/Fedora are a package managed OS and as such tvheadend should be installed from an rpm on a production system. This set of instructions details using tools git, mock and rpmbuild to package the source into an rpm and then install the rpm
Build Environment Configuration¶
install the software used for building tvheadened
$sudo yum install git mock
create a user to do the building as
$sudo useradd mock
$sudo passwd mock
for more details view the Centos/Fedora Mock pages starting
Getting the files to work with¶
tvheadend sources are retrieved as follow
$su mock
$mkdir git
$cd git
$ git clone
create a workfiles holding directory
$mkdir ~/tvheadend
you'll also need a starter source rpm and specfile found through one of the following in the ~/tvheadend folder:
Step by Step Building the RPM¶
enter the local git repository and reset local to most current remote
$cd ~/git/tvheadend
$git fetch origin
$git reset --hard origin/master
determine the commit id of the master branch
$git show-ref --head
create the spec file for the next version note new and old are the date-revision strings
$cp tvheadend-old.spec tvheadend-new.spec
open the new spec and edit as follows
update the global commit string to match the current master commit
change the version string to match the new being built
change the git archive comment line to be the correct values commit tag and filename
change the source0 filename also
modify the changelog to reflect the new version
save the spec file for use later
$vi tvheadend-new.spec
switch to the git tvheadened master and export the archive file called for in the new spec to the ~/tvheadend folder
$cd ~/git/tvheadend
$git archive 96898a66e96927e4ace9a637ea923fd9f514dd1d --format=tar --prefix=tvheadend/ | gzip > ../tvheadend-4.0.03182015.tar.gz
$mv ../tvheadend-4.0.03182015.tar.gz ~/tvheadend
mock setup
{for Fedora you'll need to use the rpmfusion environment}
{for centos you'll need to use nuxro's repos as an environment}
the /etc/mock/nux-7-x86_64.cfg can be created by adding following to the epel7.cfg and renaming as saved
[nux-dextop] name=Nux.Ro RPMs for general desktop use baseurl=$basearch/$basearch/ enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/ protect=0 [nux-dextop-testing] name=Nux.Ro RPMs for general desktop use - testing baseurl=$basearch/ enabled=0 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/ protect=0clean the mock build environment
$mock --init -r nux-7-x86_64now build the previous version in the clean environment
$mock -r nux-7-x86_64 --rebuild tvheadend-4.0.01012015-1.src.rpmcopy in the new source tar and spec files
$mock -r nux-7-x86_64 --no-clean --copyin tvheadend-4.0.03182015.tar.gz builddir/build/SOURCES/ $mock -r nux-7-x86_64 --no-clean --copyin tvheadend-4.0.03182015-1.spec builddir/build/SPECS/tvheadend.specshell in and confirm new source and spec are present and then build new src.rpm
$mock -r nux-7-x86_64 --no-clean --shell <mock>$ls -lah builddir/build/SOURCES <mock>$ls -lah builddir/build/SPECS <mock>$rpmbuild -bs builddir/build/SPECS/tvheadend.spec <mock>$exitcopy out the new src.rpm
$mock -r nux-7-x86_64 --no-clean --copyout builddir/build/SRPMS/tvheadend-4.0.03182015-1.src.rpm ./build the new version from the source rpm
$mock -r nux-7-x86_64 --rebuild tvheadend-4.0.03182015-1.src.rpmmove the results to your working folder
$cp /var/lib/mock/nux-7-x86_64/result/*.rpm ./
Install the RPM¶
$sudo yum install /home/mock/tvheadend/tvheadend-4.0.03182015-1.x86_64.rpm
tvheadend is now available in portage so you can just install it like you usually do with other applications:
$ emerge -av media-tv/tvheadend
If you'd like to build the latest git master for Arch, then you can issue the following commands:
$ yaourt -S tvheadend-git $ systemctl enable tvheadend $ systemctl start tvheadend
To install XBMC-PVR + Tvheadend:
$ yaourt -S xbmc-pvr-addons-git xbmc-git tvheadend-git
Package Maintainers¶
If you wish to become a package maintainer for your favourite distribution, please contact a member of the development team.
Updated by Bob Lightfoot almost 10 years ago · 12 revisions