Bug #925
--release configure option seems to be broken since April 10th commits (404 errors on static URLs)
I regularly build tvheadend from latest git source. I use the following configure command-line on debian squeeze :
./configure --cpu=armv4t --release --disable-avahi
Since yesterday, it seems like the --release option is ignored :
- when I access my local URL, I have a white page
- in /var/log/syslog, I have 404 errors on every static URL mentioned in the HTML source code of the white page. For example :
tvheadend2262: HTTP: ... : /static/app/tvheadend.js -- 404
- the size of the generated tvheadend file is much lower than it was : 1.5MB instead of 2.7MB I previously had
I suspect that the refactoring introduced in commit https://github.com/andoma/tvheadend/commit/da053d7c29054d1de2d0290fef04baf4cb5df644 broke the "--release" option, in the sense that the generated executable does not include the static files any more
NB : my last successfull build was one week ago, on the same machine. And tvheadend was working ok after this build
NB2 : the tvheadend executable was also moved from "build.Linux" to "build.linux" but I suppose it's normal
Updated by Andreas Smas almost 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
Correct, You now need to 'make install' the binary if you want to move it out of place.
During the install phase the Makefile will relink the binary so it reads the datafiles from the
location to where it also installs them.
If you really want the bundle option you can do:make build.linux/showtime.bundle
to create a binary with all resources embedded.
Updated by Mossroy Mossroy almost 13 years ago
Thanks Andreas for this explanation.
Just a very small correction for the command-line to create the bundle :
make build.linux/tvheadend.bundle
as it's for tvheadend (and not showtime)
It worked for me (I did not test the make install yet)