


Bug #5577

OTA EPG Data (EIT) - multiple transponder sources

Added by Peter ----- almost 6 years ago. Updated almost 6 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Found in version:
4.3-1774 and below
Affected Versions:


I use tvheadend with satellite ASTRA 19.2 - German, English and Spain TV Channels. I use only the "EIT: EPG Grabber" module, nothing else!

When the OTA EPG Grabber starts it scans first the horizontal transponders, then the vertical transponders.
So the most german tv channels will be send from H-transponders, the spanish from the V-transponders.
Has an spain transponder also EPG-Data for a german or an english tv sender, it overwrites the EPG-Data with spanish informations.

Best you can see this on "arte" (SD) on 10743.75H: as long as no V-transponder will be scanned by EPG, the EPG-Data are correct in german, when EPG-Scan starts on 10729V it overwrites the EPG-DATA with spain written information, but arte is only a german and french spoken sender. And transponder 10729V has no EPG-data for arte, but it overwrites it - I don't know why!
When I start "arte" with VLC (play in channels-tab) the EPG-Data in tvheadend will be overwritten correct in german, when I start a sender from transponder 10729V - for example "M.LCAMPEON1" it overwrites EPG-Data in tvheadend from "arte" with spainsh - there you can see also the failure: first "arte" -> all right in german, then "M.LCAMPEON1" -> "arte" is suddenly in spanish, then again "arte" -> "arte" is in german again!

I found out, that Moviestar+ (Spain provider) has EPG-Data for some of these channels, for example: "Sky News Intl", "BBC World Europe HD" - "arte" I didn't find out.

"BBC World News Europe HD" (11229V) has no EPG-information by itself, but will be also overwritten from a spain transponder, but I don't know from which one.

I don't find out, how can i disable this. I've disabled every unused service, have also set "Ignore EPG-Data" ob every unused service, have also set all unused muxes (these with no configured service) to "IGNORE", have also lowered the priority of all spain channels (to -10), but nothing helps. I also tried to set another character-set, but also no luck!

The only - for me inacceptable - solution ist to deactivate the spain tv channels and their transponders.

The right EPG-Data I found out with VLC-Mediaplayer because VLC has under the menu "Tools" the point "EPG-information" and it grabbs the EPG-Data from the stream "on-the-fly".


Arte-1-tvheadend.JPG (110 KB) Arte-1-tvheadend.JPG Arte EPG tvheadend Peter -----, 2019-03-15 01:58
ARTE-2-VLC.JPG (154 KB) ARTE-2-VLC.JPG Arte EPG VLC (same time) Peter -----, 2019-03-15 01:58
BBC-1-tvheadend.JPG (77.3 KB) BBC-1-tvheadend.JPG BBC EPG tvheadend Peter -----, 2019-03-15 01:59
BBC-2-VLC.JPG (127 KB) BBC-2-VLC.JPG BBC EPG VLC (which has no EPG) Peter -----, 2019-03-15 01:59
yatse_arte_stray_spanish entry_EPG_Screenshot_20190302-161027.png (353 KB) yatse_arte_stray_spanish entry_EPG_Screenshot_20190302-161027.png Stray spanish entry in additional column (Yatse) da h4xX0rz1sT, 2019-03-16 17:05
VLC-EPG.JPG (166 KB) VLC-EPG.JPG VLC EPG with 10729V Peter -----, 2019-03-16 22:00
tvheadend-SkyNews.JPG (139 KB) tvheadend-SkyNews.JPG tvheadend EPG Sky News Peter -----, 2019-03-21 00:18
VLC-SkyNews.JPG (323 KB) VLC-SkyNews.JPG VLC EPG Sky News Peter -----, 2019-03-21 00:18
WDRAachen-12603H.JPG (353 KB) WDRAachen-12603H.JPG WDR Aachen 12603H Peter -----, 2019-03-21 00:24
EPG settings.JPG (47.3 KB) EPG settings.JPG EPG settings Peter -----, 2019-03-21 00:37
EPG Grabber.JPG (109 KB) EPG Grabber.JPG EPG Grabber settings. Peter -----, 2019-03-21 00:46
Muxes settings.JPG (202 KB) Muxes settings.JPG Muxes settings Peter -----, 2019-03-21 00:49



Updated by da h4xX0rz1sT almost 6 years ago

I got the same issue here, especially that stray entry in "arte" EPG, also with Movistar channels active. Your observation could be right that they "pollute" other channels EPGs. At least all those stray entries are in Spanish and that makes them suspect ;-)

With Kodi 17.6 there were issues in Kodi EPG, showing that "ghost" entry and not the proper EPG.
With Kodi 18.0/18.1 that issue is gone for me - nearly.

If I run Yatse (pulling EPG from Kodi box), I still see this stray entry, breaking display quite ugly (shows both entries in two columns side by side, see screenshot).

Unfortunately, first it is hard to see which channel those entries come from, then the second question is how to block those entries.

But VLC should solve first problem. Did you ever see those spanish "ghost" EPG entries in VLC, while playing a movistar channel? If yes which one?



Updated by Peter ----- almost 6 years ago

In VLC I see the EPG information of all channels from the transponder which is playing now.
For Example: In VLC ther is playing "arte" and you see the correct german EPG of "arte", "PHOENIX", "ONE", "tagesschau24" and "Test-R", all channels on transponder 10743.75H / Astra 19.2.

I wrote when I start "M.LCAMPEON1" (transponder 10729V) then "arte"-EPG in tvheadend will be definitely overwriten with spanish informations.
I'm playing now "M.LCAMPEON1" in VLC and I don't see this spanish "arte" EPG informations in VLC. Where does the information come from? I don't know! -> look in the attached file.

I've also searched for EPG information on every V-transponder with spain channels, no luck! No informations for "arte", "BBC World Europe HD" and "Sky News Intl" - all these channels which will be overwritten with spanish informations!

Thank you for the good hint with Yatse, which I'm also using.


Updated by Peter ----- almost 6 years ago

Another idea:

I have also tried in the channel tab the column "Use EPG of" to set. For example: For the channel "arte" use EPG of "arte" (of itself). No luck: the EPG of "arte" is then empty.


Updated by da h4xX0rz1sT almost 6 years ago

Obviously, the stray entry is in tvheadend WebUI and xmltv export.

It seems like neither Kodi18 nor VLC do show them - they seem to interpret the data properly and filter the overlapping entry, whereas Yatse does not.

Can anybody advise what tvh modules to debug or trace to find out where this entry is from?

There also was some tool to grab EPG right from a running channel, right now don't remember the name - must go searching my bookmarks ._)



Updated by da h4xX0rz1sT almost 6 years ago

da h4xX0rz1sT wrote:

There also was some tool to grab EPG right from a running channel, right now don't remember the name - must go searching my bookmarks ._)

Found it:



Updated by da h4xX0rz1sT almost 6 years ago

Unfortunately, I cannot use the above "epgrab" tool - it only works with local DVB devices, and I have a SAT>IP server for DVB-S.

Anyone knows a tool that can grab raw EPG data, also from SAT>IP? Or a way to get the source of an EPG entry (i.e. the channel that broadcasted it) in tvheadend?

peter peter -----: can you check with the tool I posted above if that stray entry really comes from Movistar? In VLC you won't be able to see it.



Updated by Peter ----- almost 6 years ago

I'm sorry, I'm also using only SelfSat SAT>IP IP36 and IP21.


Updated by Peter ----- almost 6 years ago

@da h4xX0rz1sT:

The informations are surely from Moviestar+: I've taken the spanish EPG-informations from tvheadend from "BBC Eorld Europe HD" and had googled it: "Canal de información 24 horas, producido por la BBC que emite en inglés en más de 200 países alrededor del mundo."

-> BINGO! Moviestar+: [[]]


Updated by da h4xX0rz1sT almost 6 years ago

Peter ----- wrote:

The informations are surely from Moviestar+: I've taken the spanish EPG-informations from tvheadend from "BBC Eorld Europe HD" and had googled it: "Canal de información 24 horas, producido por la BBC que emite en inglés en más de 200 países alrededor del mundo."

I tried the same with the arte entry, but without success. But I think we can be reasonably sure that messy entry really comes from Movistar. peter peter -----: Can you see EPG on your SAT>IP boxes?

Then the second question comes up: what logic could TVh use to filter these entries?

My thoughts on this:
  • hard to detemine which EPG data is "authoritative" for which channel
  • hardcoded filters are probably not the way to go
  • we could have some language preference order, e.g. ger,eng,spa to only spit out one preferred language
  • TVh could also detect it is an overlapping entry

Any other ideas?



Updated by saen acro almost 6 years ago

Is in Settings > General selected preferred languages?


Updated by da h4xX0rz1sT almost 6 years ago

You're right, that language preference setting is already there! Forgot about that!

It says "German, English" but nothing of "Spanish". I also tried to change it to "German, English, Spanish" but the Spanish entry for "Sky News", "BBC World HD" still "wins" and replaces other languages.

Seems this setting is not properly considered when serving EPG.



Updated by saen acro almost 6 years ago

Export epg and see what languages is available for services.


Updated by da h4xX0rz1sT almost 6 years ago

The output from the export is exactly the same I also see in TVh WebUI.

For "BBC World HD" I only have the Spanish entry:

<programme start="20190319060000 +0100" stop="20190320060000 +0100" channel="4c78c12726f12e1176e953c256963463">
    <title lang="spa">BBC WORLD HD</title>
    <desc lang="spa">Canal de informaciðn 24 horas, producido por la BBC que emite en inglØs en mÆs de 200 paTses alrededor del mundo. </desc>

For "Sky News Intl", I get both Spanish and English:

<programme start="20190319060000 +0100" stop="20190320060000 +0100" channel="5e44629c727d4808f13922be9cf52065">
    <title lang="spa">SKY NEWS</title><desc lang="spa">Canal de noticias británico que se caracteriza por la inmediatez de su cobertura y su espíritu fresco e innovador.   </desc>
<programme start="20190323063000 +0100" stop="20190323070000 +0100" channel="5e44629c727d4808f13922be9cf52065">
    <title lang="eng">Press Preview with Anna Jones</title>
    <sub-title lang="eng">Anna Jones and guests with a review of tomorrow's newspapers and passionate debate about the stories they cover</sub-title>
    <category lang="en">News / Current affairs : News magazine</category>
<programme start="20190324063000 +0100" stop="20190324070000 +0100" channel="5e44629c727d4808f13922be9cf52065">
    <title lang="eng">Press Preview with Anna Jones</title>
    <sub-title lang="eng">Anna Jones and guests with a review of tomorrow's newspapers and passionate debate about the stories they cover</sub-title>
    <category lang="en">News / Current affairs : News magazine</category>

For "arte" it's the same problem, I got both German and Spanish entries which Kodi and VLC seem to filter, but 2 languages make Yatse weird.

The EPG "preferred language" setting obviously does not filter languages.



Updated by da h4xX0rz1sT almost 6 years ago

For the sake of completeness, here is what I see for arte:

<programme start="20190319060000 +0100" stop="20190320060000 +0100" channel="f902dfdfe9808e1fe8e90bb2b3ddada9">
    <title lang="spa">ARTE</title>
    <desc lang="spa">El canal de televisiðn cultural. </desc>
<programme start="20190320060000 +0100" stop="20190321060000 +0100" channel="f902dfdfe9808e1fe8e90bb2b3ddada9">
    <title lang="spa">ARTE</title>
    <desc lang="spa">El canal de televisiðn cultural. </desc>
    <programme start="20190321061000 +0100" stop="20190321071000 +0100" channel="f902dfdfe9808e1fe8e90bb2b3ddada9">
    <title lang="ger">Das Rätsel unseres Bewusstseins</title>
    <sub-title lang="ger">Dokumentation Frankreich 2015</sub-title>
    <desc lang="ger">Das menschliche Bewusstsein ist einzigartig in der Natur [...] # continues</desc>
# other EPG entries following, all normal

So it seems EPG data from arte and some Movistar channel are mixed together.

Can anyone please check how the situation is with "BBC World HD" and "Sky News Intl" on Astra1x? Do they really have that empty or almost empty EPG like shown above?



Updated by saen acro almost 6 years ago

Try with this software
just tune to channel and wait to finish


Updated by da h4xX0rz1sT almost 6 years ago

Sorry, does not work. Posted the link myself 2 days ago, but this one won't work with my SAT>IP server, unfortunately.



Updated by saen acro almost 6 years ago

it work with /dev/dvb adapters on box
at end of week can precise point one of my dish /after wind/ to 19.2 to be shure


Updated by Jaroslav Kysela almost 6 years ago

  • Subject changed from OTA EPG Data will be overwritten by themself to OTA EPG Data (EIT) - multiple transponder sources

I did a quick look on 19.2E and it seems that EIT data are inconsistent among transpoders for some noted channels (ARTE & etc). The only way is to disable the EIT grabber for the problematic mux/transponder (EPG Scan = disable), but it will affect all services. If some services in this mux should be updated, then we're in the trouble.


Updated by da h4xX0rz1sT almost 6 years ago

saen acro wrote:

make curl -m 60 "http://service url

Here is my first problem, I don't know the URL that is requested from SAT>IP. Any way to find those out easily?

Second: will it work to get EPG from raw stream? Those Movistar channels are encrypted, my SAT>IP does not decrypt in hardware, I use TVheadend to decrypt.

@Jaroslav: can you please explain how the EPG "preferred language" is meant to work? Manual says

"Select the list of languages (in order of priority) to be used for supplying EPG information to clients that don't provide their own configuration" 

but I can see no difference no matter what's configured there.



Updated by saen acro almost 6 years ago

In TVH you have ;)


Updated by da h4xX0rz1sT almost 6 years ago


thank you very much for joining and your efforts.

I strongly agree with you that we all should switch to XMLTV and people are just too lazy to do that step (that includes me:) ). Your reasoning IMHO is also very close to the point, I didn't go to XMLTV because all of the sources have different lacks of information, I'm too lazy to build a config, and it it often means a loss of information.

Do you have some github repo for your filter confguration?



Updated by da h4xX0rz1sT almost 6 years ago

saen acro wrote:

In TVH you have ;)

There is output but not input URL, and input is what I'm looking for. Or can you see SAT>IP source URLs somewhere in TVh and I just don't know?



Updated by saen acro almost 6 years ago

You can record mux /without pid filter/ on mux tab /play button url/


Updated by Peter ----- almost 6 years ago

da h4xX0rz1sT wrote:

I tried the same with the arte entry, but without success. But I think we can be reasonably sure that messy entry really comes from Movistar. peter peter -----: Can you see EPG on your SAT>IP boxes?

I have only Libreelec with tvheadend, no other SAT>IP boxes. On the SelfSAT IP36 or IP21 there you don't see any EPG-informations.
I see on "arte", "BBC World News Europe HD" and "Sky News Intl" the spanish EPG in tvheadend and Kodi at the same time, because Kodi will be served from tvheadend.

When I will look into the VLC-EPG-Data then I start the stream with the "Play"-Button on the selected channel in tvheadend with the "pass"-stream-profile and VLC decodes the EPG data by itself. There I see the correct german EPG ("arte"), correct english EPG ("Sky News Intl") and correct no EPG ("BBC World News Europe HD"). The pass-profile from tvheadend serves the correct EPG-Data.

@Bastian Kleinschmidt: Thank you very much, but when it's possible I don't want to use external EPG-data. For me the EIT-OTA-EPG is good enough.

I have found out something else, where you can see the problem too:
On transponder 12603.75H you have 8 "WDR" channels (german), "Sky News Intl" and 3 radio channels. "Sky News Intl" will be overwritten with spanish EPG from somewhere and "destroys" the german EPG of all 8 "WDR" channels. In VLC-EPG everything is normal. Maybe this helps too...


Updated by da h4xX0rz1sT almost 6 years ago

saen acro wrote:

You can record mux /without pid filter/ on mux tab /play button url/

Got it. Yeah, thank you, that was a lot more helpful than your last answer ;)

/HXZ :)


Updated by Peter ----- almost 6 years ago

The english EPG information for "Sky News Intl" (Transponder 12603.75H) will be definitely overwritten from transponder 10729V!


Updated by da h4xX0rz1sT almost 6 years ago

Peter -----:

thank you very much for your observations. We might get closer to the culprit :)

I've to think about your observations across the equinox, will come back to you :)

Please post meanwhile which version of Kodi/what platform/what hardware you're using.



Updated by Peter ----- almost 6 years ago

Libreelec-Generic.x86_64-9.0.1 (Kernel Linux 4.19.23) [[]]
Kodi 18.1-Leia-2019-02-21
tvheadend 4.3-1774 from [[]] but the problem was an earlier versions too.

Running on an Intel J4105 with 8GB RAM.


Updated by Peter ----- almost 6 years ago

Jaroslav Kysela wrote:

I did a quick look on 19.2E and it seems that EIT data are inconsistent among transpoders for some noted channels (ARTE & etc). The only way is to disable the EIT grabber for the problematic mux/transponder (EPG Scan = disable), but it will affect all services. If some services in this mux should be updated, then we're in the trouble.

There's another problem: I've tested this "solution" - disable EPG-Grabber on all spanish transponders - but when I start a spanish TV-channel ("MULTIDEPORTE"), then EPG will be grabbed and the problem is back aigan. Maybe I have to disable EPG on every service, not only transponder - I will test it.


Updated by Peter ----- almost 6 years ago

Peter ----- wrote:

Jaroslav Kysela wrote:

I did a quick look on 19.2E and it seems that EIT data are inconsistent among transpoders for some noted channels (ARTE & etc). The only way is to disable the EIT grabber for the problematic mux/transponder (EPG Scan = disable), but it will affect all services. If some services in this mux should be updated, then we're in the trouble.

There's another problem: I've tested this "solution" - disable EPG-Grabber on all spanish transponders - but when I start a spanish TV-channel ("MULTIDEPORTE"), then EPG will be grabbed and the problem is back aigan. Maybe I have to disable EPG on every service, not only transponder - I will test it.

No, does also not work!


Updated by da h4xX0rz1sT almost 6 years ago

Peter ----- wrote:

When I will look into the VLC-EPG-Data then I start the stream with the "Play"-Button on the selected channel in tvheadend with the "pass"-stream-profile and VLC decodes the EPG data by itself. There I see the correct german EPG ("arte"), correct english EPG ("Sky News Intl") and correct no EPG ("BBC World News Europe HD"). The pass-profile from tvheadend serves the correct EPG-Data.

I can also see "Sky News Intl" EPG builds up slowly when playing the channel, but that data should already be known by grabbing.

I have found out something else, where you can see the problem too:
On transponder 12603.75H you have 8 "WDR" channels (german), "Sky News Intl" and 3 radio channels. "Sky News Intl" will be overwritten with spanish EPG from somewhere and "destroys" the german EPG of all 8 "WDR" channels. In VLC-EPG everything is normal. Maybe this helps too...

Can't confirm the WDR problem, everything seems normal here.

peter peter -----: do you have those issues in Kodi, too? Here, everything is normal and the Spanish entries seem to get filtered, but Kodi gets them, since I can see them in Yatse, which loads the data from Kodi.



Updated by M. Bergmann almost 6 years ago

Well, I experienced this issue nearly two years ago, but never managed to solve it.
As a workaround I am using external xmltv-data, provided by and webgrabplus.

Main problem and disadvantage of external epg data: They are not as up to date as the ota-data.

Another nice problem you will encounter: EPG data of SD and HD channels are not the same, showing minor differences (3sat SD <--> 3 sat HD etc.)

And I never received epg-data of spanish speaking channels like Canal 24 horas or TVE Internacional.
International channels like CNN International or CNBC Europa are also difficult.
IMHO provision of epg-data works well in the UK, Germany and Scandinavian countries, maybe also in France and Poland, but in the rest of the world they are a neglected genre. And even in the mentioned countries broadcast stations seem to implement it insufficiently.


Updated by Jaroslav Kysela almost 6 years ago

Some comments:

1) the preferred EPG language is just preferred language - it does not do and mean any filtering - tvh maintains all languages in the database; usually, the internal language list for clients is 'user language + preferred languages', first available text is returned

2) disable 'EPG Scan' in the mux settings won't help (my fault), it just configures the EPG grabbing for the mux, but if you tune to the disabled mux (scan, streaming service etc.), the EIT data are grabbed

3) if EIT data for one service are available on multiple transponders, last data wins (no merging in the latest code)

In my opinion, the best methods to avoid those collisions are:

1) force EIT mux per service and do not update EPG database from others

2) per service and per language import - update EPG database only when one language (languages) are seen in the EPG event


Updated by saen acro almost 6 years ago

Start to ting that this is same as this


Updated by da h4xX0rz1sT almost 6 years ago

Jaroslav Kysela wrote:

1) the preferred EPG language is just preferred language - it does not do and mean any filtering - tvh maintains all languages in the database; usually, the internal language list for clients is 'user language + preferred languages', first available text is returned

Thank you for that clarification.

3) if EIT data for one service are available on multiple transponders, last data wins (no merging in the latest code)

OK, this makes the problem clear.

In my opinion, the best methods to avoid those collisions are:

1) force EIT mux per service and do not update EPG database from others

IMHO, this is a bad idea, since updates for other services are generally a good thing, besides those Movistar people that fiddle around with services they don't own.

2) per service and per language import - update EPG database only when one language (languages) are seen in the EPG event

I think the global configuration could be enough here. But then, EPG would need to be filtered to drop languages with lower preference level.

Another idea would be to allow or forbid those cross-channel updates per provider (Movistar=no)



Updated by Peter ----- almost 6 years ago

da h4xX0rz1sT wrote:

I can also see "Sky News Intl" EPG builds up slowly when playing the channel, but that data should already be known by grabbing.

No it does not! Here you can see for "Sky News Intl" in the pictures the big difference, which EPG-Data tvheadend stores and which EPG-Data VLC grabs while playing with the same Libreelec/Kodi-Box. In tvheadend look also at the starttime column.

peter peter -----: do you have those issues in Kodi, too? Here, everything is normal and the Spanish entries seem to get filtered, but Kodi gets them, since I can see them in Yatse, which loads the data from Kodi.

Of course I have the issue in Kodi too, it gets the EPG from tvheadend with the htsp-client. But it makes no difference: tvheadend does something wrong with the EPG, where VLC does it right at the same time on the same box.

The third picture shows the EPG-data from "WDR Aachen" on transponder 12603H. Look into the starttime column: There are lost times and days in the EPG (22.03, 24.03 and so on). And this is also in the other 7 "WDR" channels on transponder 12603H and "Sky News Intl" with the wrong spanish EPG is also on 12603H. And now look again in VLC: Everything is all right.

So what shall I do? I don't know. Is my configuration wrong, but where?

The EIT-EPG-grabber starts every 4 hours and it runs with a scan time-out of 120 seconds. The highest value for scan time-out I've set was 600 - makes no difference.

I have no idea!!


Updated by Peter ----- almost 6 years ago

The characterset I've set in networks is ISO-8859-15. But also no luck with ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8.


Updated by Peter ----- almost 6 years ago

Jaroslav Kysela wrote:

In my opinion, the best methods to avoid those collisions are:

1) force EIT mux per service and do not update EPG database from others

2) per service and per language import - update EPG database only when one language (languages) are seen in the EPG event

I have only OTA-EIT EPG Grabber turned on, all others are disabled. -> see Picture
Look also in my muxes settings.


Updated by da h4xX0rz1sT almost 6 years ago

Peter ----- wrote:

da h4xX0rz1sT wrote:

I can also see "Sky News Intl" EPG builds up slowly when playing the channel, but that data should already be known by grabbing.

No it does not! Here you can see for "Sky News Intl" in the pictures the big difference, which EPG-Data tvheadend stores and which EPG-Data VLC grabs while playing with the same Libreelec/Kodi-Box. In tvheadend look also at the starttime column.

You seem to be right, it builds up slowly, but stays incomplete, having only the same two shows each morning but not more.

So what shall I do? I don't know. Is my configuration wrong, but where?

As Jaroslav explained, there is nothing you could do in the moment, except not to panic ;)

Peter ----- wrote:

The characterset I've set in networks is ISO-8859-15. But also no luck with ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8.

You probably don't have a charset problem here, but FYI those Sky channels use ISO-8859-9.



Updated by Jaroslav Kysela almost 6 years ago

da h4xX0rz1sT wrote:

Jaroslav Kysela wrote:

2) per service and per language import - update EPG database only when one language (languages) are seen in the EPG event

I think the global configuration could be enough here. But then, EPG would need to be filtered to drop languages with lower preference level.

I meant to ignore imported events which do not contain a language from the specified list (in the service settings).

Another idea would be to allow or forbid those cross-channel updates per provider (Movistar=no)

Unfortunately, it might not be easy to detect who created the EIT table. For example, the 10729V contains services from three broadcasters:

sdt: mux 10729V in S19.2E
sdt:  type 19 (25) name [ALQUILER HD] provider [Movistar+] def_auth []
sdt:  type 19 (25) name [BEINLALIGA2] provider [Movistar+] def_auth []
sdt:  type 19 (25) name [AXN HD] provider [DIGITAL+] def_auth []
sdt:  type 19 (25) name [M.COMEDIA HD] provider [Movistar+] def_auth []
sdt:  type 19 (25) name [LALIGATV BAR] provider [Movistar+] def_auth []
sdt:  type 19 (25) name [ALQUILER 2 HD] provider [Movistar+] def_auth []
sdt:  type 19 (25) name [M.PartidazoHD] provider [CANAL+] def_auth []
sdt:  type 19 (25) name [M.LCAMPEON1] provider [Movistar+] def_auth []
sdt:  type 19 (25) name [LA 1 HD] provider [Movisrta+] def_auth []
sdt:  type 19 (25) name [M.LCAMPEON2] provider [Movistar+] def_auth []

Updated by da h4xX0rz1sT almost 6 years ago

Jaroslav Kysela wrote:

da h4xX0rz1sT wrote:

Jaroslav Kysela wrote:

2) per service and per language import - update EPG database only when one language (languages) are seen in the EPG event

I think the global configuration could be enough here. But then, EPG would need to be filtered to drop languages with lower preference level.

I meant to ignore imported events which do not contain a language from the specified list (in the service settings).

OK, but in Peter's and my case, we would have to specify "ger" "eng" and "spa", which leads us to where we already are - some clients simply don't handle multi-language EPG properly, that's why we have to filter if we want them to work. On, the other hand, does anybody want to have more than one EPG language? (also regarding most clients do not handle it properly; this use case might exist but be rare - filtering could be optional for that)

Another idea would be to allow or forbid those cross-channel updates per provider (Movistar=no)

Unfortunately, it might not be easy to detect who created the EIT table.

Yes I understand that. But when filtering by language, you don't have cope with that issue ;)



Updated by saen acro almost 6 years ago

Jaroslav Kysela wrote:

Unfortunately, it might not be easy to detect who created the EIT table. For example, the 10729V contains services from three broadcasters:

What about SID filter compared to current transponder SID,
everything with is != "in current transponder" services list to be ignored.


Updated by da h4xX0rz1sT almost 6 years ago

Jaroslav Kysela wrote:

Unfortunately, it might not be easy to detect who created the EIT table.

There should be "original_network_id" in each entry - have not checked yet whether they always set it properly.

Another possibility might be a kill switch for "alien" language EPG entries that are in a language the channel does not provide, e.g. "arte" that is only German or French => put Spanish to /dev/null. Only problem is channel languages might change from time to time or within the stream itself...



Updated by da h4xX0rz1sT almost 6 years ago

saen acro wrote:

What about SID filter compared to current transponder SID,
everything with is != "in current transponder" services list to be ignored.

Some broadcasters, e.g. public TV here in Germany update across transponders, which is perfectly legal - not a bug, really a feature :)

Or should we file a bug against Astra? Their backup uplink is just some kilometers away from here, I could visit them. *justjoking



Updated by Peter ----- almost 6 years ago

da h4xX0rz1sT wrote:

Peter ----- wrote:

The characterset I've set in networks is ISO-8859-15. But also no luck with ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8.

You probably don't have a charset problem here, but FYI those Sky channels use ISO-8859-9.

Aha, thank you for the information that Sky uses ISO-8859-9. Where do I get the information which channel/provider uses which character-set?


Updated by saen acro almost 6 years ago

ISO 8859 character naming explained


Updated by Peter ----- almost 6 years ago

Thank you, I know what a character-set is, but I don't know which channel/provider uses which character-set...


Updated by da h4xX0rz1sT almost 6 years ago

Peter ----- wrote:

da h4xX0rz1sT wrote:

You probably don't have a charset problem here, but FYI those Sky channels use ISO-8859-9.

Aha, thank you for the information that Sky uses ISO-8859-9. Where do I get the information which channel/provider uses which character-set?

peter peter -----:
Generally, you don't have to set a charset, the "AUTO" setting will be fine in most circumstances. The broadcast usually contains the character set used. The only channels I have explicitly set a charset for are those from Sky, because they seem not to broadcast their used encoding correctly.

If you find weird characters in some EPG, and you can't find what character set the broadcaster uses on any search engine, you still have guessing/trial & error as a last resort.


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