M. Bergmann
- Email: [email protected]
- Registered on: 2016-11-09
- Last connection: 2023-09-01
15:37 Tvheadend XMLTV: RE: tv_grab_eu_epgdata suddenly not working anymore with tvheadend
- Not really an answer to your question, but epgData shuts down its activity:
03:25 Tvheadend General: RE: restarting tvheadend after process crashes?
- I just stumbled upon this entry:
54 seconds looks like a typo IMHO, perhaps it should have been 5 seconds ?
11:11 Tvheadend Descrambling: RE: OScam TVheadend, CAs ok= Encrypted channels show Black Screen
- Which 'oscam emu patched' do you use?
09:49 Tvheadend Tutorial and setups: RE: [Tutorial] Guide on how to turn livestreams from Youtube, Twitch, Facebook, etc., into IPTV channels using TVHeadend and a Python utility called Streamlink
- The tutorial can be find here: [[https://streamlink.github.io/]]
Maybe you can ask in their issue-section if they ...
09:50 Tvheadend Tutorial and setups: RE: [Tutorial] Guide on how to turn livestreams from Youtube, Twitch, Facebook, etc., into IPTV channels using TVHeadend and a Python utility called Streamlink
- Hello Carlos,
great tutorial! I have already been using the combination of streamlink-tvheadend-kodi to watch som...
09:57 Tvheadend Bug #5947: DVB mux center frequencies incorrect for USA
- Tom W wrote:
> The issues here is that there are too many commits between the latest stable and the latest unstable...
09:10 Tvheadend Bug #5935: editing record times wrong
- Flole Systems wrote:
> No debug log provided, old version is used.
Please, please replace the stable version 4.2....
21:57 Tvheadend Descrambling: RE: Digital Devices CI and DVB-C with CI+ in germany does not work and will not: Continuity counter error
- [Exkurs]
Flo, melde dich bitte bei mir per Mail.
22:59 Tvheadend Descrambling: RE: Digital Devices CI and DVB-C with CI+ in germany does not work and will not: Continuity counter error
- I know, you won't like the answer, but: Forget it!
Some time ago I bought a an Alphacrypt Light Module, a program...
10:23 Tvheadend General: RE: No apt repo updates since November
- To answer your questions:
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