


Bug #3721

Using IPTV auto network: commas in URLs will cause scan fail.

Added by Patrick Hanft almost 9 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

Target version:
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Hi, first time tvheadend user here, so I hope I did not overlook anything.

I used the new auto feature to import the playlist of my AVM DVB-C to IPTV adapter. I created a new IPTV automatic network and added the URL of the m3u file directly from this URL:

It seems to catch the file correctly and start scanning. This is where I see, that the rtsp links in the file are not correctly read. Here from the log:

2016-04-13 20:11:02.710 mpegts: tvhd.m3u - Das Erste HD in avm-dvbc-hdtv - tuning on IPTV
2016-04-13 20:11:02.710 eit: registering mux tvhd.m3u - Das Erste HD in avm-dvbc-hdtv
2016-04-13 20:11:02.710 subscription: 002B: "scan" subscribing to mux "tvhd.m3u - Das Erste HD", weight: 5, adapter: "IPTV", network: "avm-dvbc-hdtv", service: "Raw PID Subscription" 
2016-04-13 20:11:02.715 iptv: invalid error code 500 for 'rtsp://'
2016-04-13 20:11:07.710 mpegts: tvhd.m3u - Das Erste HD in avm-dvbc-hdtv - scan no data, failed
2016-04-13 20:11:07.710 subscription: 002B: "scan" unsubscribing

And here the corresponding part of the m3u file.

#EXTINF:-1,Das Erste HD

(of course there are additional streams and it's all the same)

So, as you can see, the commas are converted to "%2C" which doesn't seem to work. If I can contribute with more information, please ask.

Thanks and BR!


clean_ASTRA_19_2E.m3u (308 Bytes) clean_ASTRA_19_2E.m3u Maik Horn, 2017-11-03 19:53



Updated by Jaroslav Kysela almost 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Fixed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Applied in changeset commit:tvheadend|616413f510b2564bfcfa4517b2cb6f0ce5e719fc.


Updated by Patrick Hanft almost 9 years ago

Works perfectly in 4.1-1892~g616413f~vivid. Thank you very much for this phenomenally quick fix!


Updated by Maik Horn over 7 years ago


could it be that this bug is back again? I Imported the attached m3u with 4.3.589:

but the Muxes URL field show:


With this it will not find any service until i replace all %2c with comma manually.


Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 7 years ago

It seems like a ping-pong problem - issue #4658 .


Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 7 years ago

Retest with v4.3-605-g74b671f95, please.


Updated by Maik Horn over 7 years ago

You are faster than light ;)

It works (at least for me).

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