Bug #342
Multiple tuners being used to record multiple channels on same transponder
If you have one tuner, you can record multiple channels from the one transponder. If you have 2 or more tuners, and record 2+ channels from the same transponder, tvheadend in most cases uses up a tuner for each channel. But it should only need to use one tuner since the channels are on the same transponder.
Updated by renne - about 14 years ago
It's called Multiplex-Recording and e.g. VDR uses it for about 9 years, now.
You simply use one thread to write the complete Transport-Stream of a tuner in a RAM-ringbuffer and use a new thread for each recording/stream to read from that ringbuffer and remux the necessary pids for the recording/stream.
For handling ressource conflicts you do not check the available tuners for each recording but store the bouquet of each recording in the schedule and check if you have as much tuners as bouquets are used at the same time.
Switched from minor to major as hardware costs and power consumption are reduced and it is a major dependency of TvHeadEnd-structure/-development
Updated by Andreas Smas about 14 years ago
Yeah, this sounds like a regression. It certainly worked this way before.
I'd have to look into that.
Updated by Lennart Jütte about 13 years ago
+1 for this request.
I do believe that it worked on my old installation (2.?, Mythbuntu 10.10?). But after reinstalling (2.12, Ubuntu 11.04) it did not work anymore. Either i'm hallucinating or the feature has a bug.
Updated by Adam Sutton over 12 years ago
- Tracker changed from Feature to Bug
- Found in version set to unknown
If this is not working properly its a bug. Moving accordingly.
Updated by Adam Sutton over 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Invalid
This does not happen on my setup and code looks right. Possibly a bug was introduced and subsequently fixed, this report is very old.