


Bug #211

dvr recording cancelled by user is re-added again by an autorecording rule

Added by Hein Rigolo over 14 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Target version:
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Found in version:
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I was recording a tv show via a auto recording rule. Because I had a lot of errors I aborted the recording. Then a few minutes later the show was added to the dvr again:

May 11 22:19:50 subscription: "DVR: NCIS" unsubscribing from "SBS 6" 
May 11 22:19:50 pvr: Recording completed: "/home/hts/recordings/2010-05-11/SBS-6-NCIS.2010-05-11.21-30.mkv" 
May 11 22:19:50 dvr: "NCIS" on "SBS 6": End of program: Aborted by user
May 11 22:30:01 dvr: "NCIS" on "SBS 6" starting at Tue May 11 21:27:00 2010, scheduled for recording by "Auto recording by: hts" 

Because the show has finished by then ... it was shown as complete succesfully. So there are now 2 records in the dvr logs.



Updated by ukasz - about 14 years ago

something simmilar happened to me.
i have created autorec rule. saved it and enabled.
log said that 2 show match my rule.
when i've deleted this autorec rule log said the same like i would create new autorec rule and enable it. then 2 matching rules dissapeared from sheduler.


Updated by Andreas Smas almost 14 years ago

  • Category changed from General to PVR / DVR
  • Status changed from New to Accepted
  • Priority changed from High to Low
  • Target version changed from 3.0 to 2.13

Updated by Adam Sutton over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Accepted to Rejected
  • Found in version set to unknown

Going to remove this on grounds of age. I will be looking at DVR code in the near future anyway, so I'll check this then. And if its still an issue then please re-submit.

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