Bug #1476
Cant zap to channel on first tunner while recording is running on second tunner
well its in description, everything is allright with same setting on 3.3.200~ga420c83. Dont think its driver/TBS related. Just wants to update to latest master rev. faee94bc today because have a problem with dvr log, but have to swap back to ga420c83.
Updated by Vojtech Plavecky about 12 years ago
tried latest master, tvh updated 4/1/2013 around 9:30 pm. one of the tunner still cant zap channel
for me latest working version 3.3.200~ga420c83 start working imadiately after swappend back.
Updated by Vojtech Plavecky about 12 years ago
todays try 3.3.257~gcb83243
removed some muxers to see what happend when i copy them from other adapter
Jan 06 21:13:05 dvb: "/dev/dvb/adapter0" tuning via s2api to "Sky: 11,785,000 kHz Horizontal (hotbird13)" (1185000, 29900000 Baud, 3/4, SYS_DVBS2, PSK_8) for Initial autoscan
Jan 06 21:13:10 dvb: "Sky: 11,785,000 kHz Horizontal (hotbird13)" on adapter "Tunner 1 strana od nas", status changed to No signal
Jan 06 21:13:25 dvb: "/dev/dvb/adapter0" tuning via s2api to "TSA EuroTV2: 11,727,000 kHz Vertical (hotbird13)" (1127000, 27500000 Baud, 3/4, SYS_DVBS, QPSK) for Initial autoscan
Jan 06 21:13:31 dvb: "TSA EuroTV2: 11,727,000 kHz Vertical (hotbird13)" on adapter "Tunner 1 strana od nas", status changed to No signal
No signal, but in older version its working
Updated by Vojtech Plavecky about 12 years ago
Jan 06 21:31:23 subscription: "serviceprobe" direct subscription to adapter: "Tunner 1 strana od nas", network: "ASTRA 1", mux: "ASTRA 1: 12,012,000 kHz Vertical (astra19)", provider: "", service: "CANAL+ CINEMA HD", quality: 100
Jan 06 21:31:33 subscription: "serviceprobe" unsubscribing
Jan 06 21:31:33 capmt: Removing CAPMT Server from service
Jan 06 21:31:33 serviceprobe: CANAL+ CINEMA HD: skipped: No input detected
Jan 06 21:31:33 serviceprobe: CANAL+ CINEMA HD: checking...
Jan 06 21:31:33 capmt: Starting capmt server for service "CANAL+ CINEMA HD" on tuner 0
Jan 06 21:31:33 subscription: "serviceprobe" direct subscription to adapter: "Tunner 1 strana od nas", network: "ASTRA 1", mux: "ASTRA 1: 12,012,000 kHz Vertical (astra19)", provider: "", service: "CANAL+ CINEMA HD", quality: 100
Jan 06 21:31:43 subscription: "serviceprobe" unsubscribing
Jan 06 21:31:43 capmt: Removing CAPMT Server from service
Jan 06 21:31:43 serviceprobe: CANAL+ CINEMA HD: skipped: No input detected
Jan 06 21:31:43 serviceprobe: CANAL+ FAMILY HD: checking...
Jan 06 21:31:43 capmt: Starting capmt server for service "CANAL+ FAMILY HD" on tuner 0
Jan 06 21:31:43 subscription: "serviceprobe" direct subscription to adapter: "Tunner 1 strana od nas", network: "ASTRA 1", mux: "ASTRA 1: 12,012,000 kHz Vertical (astra19)", provider: "", service: "CANAL+ FAMILY HD", quality: 100
no input detected on mapping, but quality 100
Updated by Adam Sutton about 12 years ago
- Category changed from Muxers to DVB
- Status changed from New to Need feedback
It this still an issue as I cannot reproduce this problem.
Updated by Vojtech Plavecky about 12 years ago
well adam how can i help you to reproduce the problem?
Updated by Vojtech Plavecky about 12 years ago
looks to be,bisect used, last working without a problem is HTS Tvheadend 3.3.203~g99b69cb
Updated by Vojtech Plavecky about 12 years ago
could opentv module block whole adapter when mux where epg should be is faint/bad?
mean on tvheadend start, opentv want to access mux /11881 on hot13 for sky ita/ and after mux is faint/bad tvh stuck there and wont allow start anything in that adapter?
Updated by Adam Sutton about 12 years ago
- Assignee deleted (
John Törnblom)
No, the background grabbing is 0 priority it will only occur while the tuner is inactive and will immediately be cancelled should a real subscription come along.
Updated by Adam Sutton about 12 years ago
Sorry but can you just re-test this, I'm not aware of any specific fixes for this. But a few things have been fixed since you last reported it, so I'd like to double check its still happening before investigating.
Updated by Vojtech Plavecky about 12 years ago
well can try it, till now i was on ce67dd9, will test latest master & report later
Updated by Vojtech Plavecky about 12 years ago
just noticed : after update to HTS Tvheadend version 3.3.459~gb359144, turn one /A1/ adapter to idle scanning and untick skip initial scan, stop/start tvh, all muxes also not detected before or scanned with blank services works ok, mapped channels ok, was happy for a while, turn same on A0, and left A1 with new settings, stop/start tvh, and adapter A1 was dead again. log attached.
Updated by Adam Sutton about 12 years ago
This "might" relate to a problem I saw a long time ago when I first added the close fds on idle option. I found that broke my TBS6981 and so I made the close fds optional. But this only happened if I was actively closing/reopening the adapters during operation. As long as I opened them one at a time at startup and then kept things open all was fine (which is basically the way TVH works without that option).
But I think you're saying you've enabled both adapters and then restarted? What happens if you disable both adapters, while running, and then re-enable just the one that was failing?
I'm really lost as to what is going on.
Updated by Vojtech Plavecky about 12 years ago
Could be, seems to be that initial scan/idle scanning makes troubles, with initial scan off, and idle scanning off, muxes are stable, and i didnt find any faint/no signal mux for a longer time, and also recording on both tunners is working ok at the moment.
i didnt ment enabling adapters, just enabling/disabling setting on enabled adapter :
A0 initial scan off, idle scanning off
A1 initial scan on, idle scanning on
muxes scanned ok, blank services filled up with channel names etc.
A0 changed to initial scan on, idle scanning on
service tvheadend stop/start
A0 scanning ok
A1 dead
coudl try later if disabling/enabling dead adapter A1 will sort it out.
thx adam
Updated by Vojtech Plavecky about 12 years ago
sppotted following: adapter A1 tunned to 11881 hotbird 13 where is EPG for sky ita, but tvh still trying to update 122077 mux as can be seen in log
Updated by Adam Sutton about 12 years ago
That last comment is perfectly valid, muxes contain information relating to other muxes in the network not just themselves. Whether what it actually did is correct is another matter.
I need to find some time to look at this, there have been various issues reported recently (many related to the TBS 6984).
Updated by Adam Sutton almost 12 years ago
- Affected Versions 3.4 added
Can you please re-test this, I've made several improvements to the DVB input code. Not sure ti will have fixed things, but may be quicker for you to check than me to try and diagnose if it has already been fixed.
Updated by Vojtech Plavecky almost 12 years ago
at the moment im leaving :
A0 initial scan off, idle scanning off
A1 initial scan off, idle scanning off
with that setting its allright, can watch and record.
Updated by Adam Sutton about 11 years ago
- Status changed from Need feedback to Invalid
I'm not 100% sure what, if anything, the issue was. However it relates to code that has now been completely re-written so I'm closing.