


Bug #1310

Can't find services of one transponder

Added by Daniele Rogora over 12 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

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Hi, for me tvheadend works great, but I have this problem that I can't solve.
No services from the transponder 11766.00V of the Hotbird 13E satellite are found. (Such as RaiHD, Rai3, Rai5...)
I'm sure it's not a reception problem; I've tried different tvheadend versions (from 3.0 to 3.3git); I've tried to delete and re-add the mutex from the list, and I've also tried to restart from a blank configuration without differences. In the logs I can see that the transponder is scanned, but it has no results.
I have also tried 2 different DVB-S2 tuners with the same results.



Updated by Adam Sutton over 12 years ago

Can you check if you have the same transponder listed twice (on the same adapter) with slightly differing frequency?

This is a common problem which I've been sweeping under the carpet, because I plan to restructure all the DVB code in 3.4. However I may just have to bite the bullet and fix this for 3.2.



Updated by Daniele Rogora over 12 years ago

Thanks for the quick response!

Yes, that is the case. I have 11,766,000kHz V (should be the one I have added) and 11,765,840kHz V (same info as 11,766, signal 100%) and 11,765,840kHz H (no signal).

Also I've just tried a scan with w_scan and the services are found correctly.


Updated by Adam Sutton over 12 years ago

Yeah, its a problem with the way TVH manages muxes. In fact it causes several other related issues, which is why I plan to do a massive shake-up in 3.4.

There is a workaround, but it's not great and requires too much user interaction. So I will look at a temporary fix to overcome the problem.

Until then, try disabling auto mux discovery. And delete 1 of the 2 muxes (it probably doesn't matter which) it should eventually sort itself out. Don't re-enable auto discovery it may bugger it up again.



Updated by Daniele Rogora over 12 years ago

Thanks, it worked. I deleted the two muxes at 11.765.840 and disabled autodiscovery.
There's one other small problem though, may be related so I write it here: one service appeared with a wrong name (Rai 4 instead of Rai 5, so I found two Rai 4 entries in my list, the correct one and Rai 5), but plays perfectly.

If you need more info/help about this problem let me know, I'll be glad to help.


Updated by Adam Sutton over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Fixed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Applied in changeset commit:afd468ef83cead7b2a67dc927bf1b67944e9c7fe.

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