How to change variable to static recording path for a non-experienced unix-user of tvheadend ?
Added by Peter Weigert almost 12 years ago
i´m proud to manage the tvheadend-installation on my synology-NAS (ds 212+ with TBS5680-Cable-box) connected with my XBMC-Win8-Frodo-Client.
All channels and ts-recording working fine inside XBMC!!!
But where are the recordings saved - in order to be able to convert them for native TV-use on SAMSUNG-TV´s?
I find out, that the path is been configured in the recording-path-section of tv-headend.
As a "stupid" windows-user i can´t find the equivalent directory on my NAS.
How can i change the variable recording-path to a static path (e.G. /videos)?
Thank you in advance for any help in this item.
Replies (1)
RE: How to change variable to static recording path for a non-experienced unix-user of tvheadend ?
Added by Prof Yaffle almost 12 years ago
If I understand you correctly, Peter, you're accessing the Synology NAS from a Windows PC, and that's the path you want to know, correct?
If so, you need to know a couple of things:
1. Where the files are being stored on the NAS (e.g. /volume1/public/Videos/Recordings, or something like that)
2. How you're mounting the exported share onto Windows (e.g. does /volume1/public map to G:)
3. And thus what the difference is (in this example, /Videos/Recordings, so your path would be G:\Videos\Recordings)
The first of these is set in tvheadend, and you can change it as you wish.
The second, you can find out by typing "net use" at a Windows command prompt. That will tell you something like:
Status Local Remote Network ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OK Y: \\your_nas_address_or_name\path Microsoft Windows Network
What you may find is that G: is mapped to a different part of the directory structure from where teh recordings are saved, so it's not impossible you'll need to map a new drive latter... consider this:
- Recordings going to /volume1/public/Recordings
- Drive G: mapped to /volume1/public/Videos
... then you can click your way down drive G: until the cows come home, you'll never get to the recordings since they're not in that directory tree...
Hope that helps...