


A few nooby questions

Added by Andrew N about 1 year ago

Hello all,

I'm considering building a Tvheadend server (Raspi 3 + HAT) to use with a Kodi front end to watch local (France) OTA tv. This will be a learning curve for me since whilst I'm moderately capable, the world of TV and mux etc is completely new to me. So before I start my journey, could I possibly ask a few hopefully simple questions;

1. Some of the French OTA channels broadcast some programs in VO (Arte in particular). Am I able to select the language channel from the front end client? Or does it require a case-by-case server-side config? I note I can set a preferred language in the TVheadend configs but I ask because I have a TV that whilst I can set a preferred language, it ignores it and I always have to select the language channel.

2. I have a few Raspis I could repurpose (from release 1 to 3) Would a Pi 1 be up to the task? I've read some Pis are prone to overheating (Pi3 B+??). Are heat sinks required?

3. Recording - can I specify a network location (rather than a local SD card) as the destination? (Not a show stopper if not)

Thanks all for any comments and suggestions.

Replies (17)

RE: A few nooby questions - Added by Delta Mike Charlie about 1 year ago

Andrew N wrote:

1. Some of the French OTA channels broadcast some programs in VO (Arte in particular). Am I able to select the language channel from the front end client? Or does it require a case-by-case server-side config? I note I can set a preferred language in the TVheadend configs but I ask because I have a TV that whilst I can set a preferred language, it ignores it and I always have to select the language channel.

This sounds like a question for Kodi.

2. I have a few Raspis I could repurpose (from release 1 to 3) Would a Pi 1 be up to the task? I've read some Pis are prone to overheating (Pi3 B+??). Are heat sinks required?

From my experience, Kodi puts a greater demand on a system than tvheadend.

3. Recording - can I specify a network location (rather than a local SD card) as the destination? (Not a show stopper if not)

Provided that the network location is mounted into your file system and that the user running Tvheadend has access, then yes.

Have a look at LibreELEC. It is a minimal Linux distribution with Kodi and Tvheadend built-in:

There is a version for the Raspberry Pi. Perhaps there is also some documentation there regarding models and system load.

RE: A few nooby questions - Added by Andrew N about 1 year ago

Thanks muchly for the reply, it's really appreciated. I know so little about this that I don't even know how to phrase my questions to search for answers!

When you say...

"This sounds like a question for Kodi."

... does that mean it is theoretically possible? That is, the Tvheadend makes the data available and it's for the client side to parse/present it?

I dont know how tvheadend 'encodes' the signal and language tracks(s) so I don't know if the different language tracks are even available (client side) for a selection to be made. For all I know, only the default brodcast language is encoded (and therefore no selection is even possible client side) That could be a deciding factor for me.

Otherwise, the other answers (Pi spec and recording to network location) make Tvheadend a possible answer to my needs.

Btw, I use LibreElec for my 3 Kodi installs already. It's a lovely, light and robust product ime.

RE: A few nooby questions - Added by Dave H about 1 year ago

I've never heard of the pi 3B+ overheating, and none of mine do. I did hear of the 4 overheating initially. But I don't follow such stats religiously.

RE: A few nooby questions - Added by Delta Mike Charlie about 1 year ago

Andrew N wrote:

"This sounds like a question for Kodi."

... does that mean it is theoretically possible? That is, the Tvheadend makes the data available and it's for the client side to parse/present it?

I means that I don't know. Selecting the audio soundtrack sounded like something Kodi (the playback frontend) would be responsible for.

I dont know how tvheadend 'encodes' the signal and language tracks(s) so I don't know if the different language tracks are even available (client side) for a selection to be made. For all I know, only the default brodcast language is encoded (and therefore no selection is even possible client side) That could be a deciding factor for me.

I did a test on a channel here that has an 'Audio Described' soundtrack. Kodi was able to recognise that both soundtracks were available and switch between them.

Btw, I use LibreElec for my 3 Kodi installs already. It's a lovely, light and robust product ime.

Perhaps you could enable Tvheadend (it is included in LE) on one of your LibreELEC and experiment.

RE: A few nooby questions - Added by Prof Yaffle about 1 year ago

Tvheadend records all audio streams as broadcast, unless you set a filter or transcode. Kodi then just presents them as tagged in the file - default, whatever else - so you can select.

Re: overheating, certainly not for simple recording or watching, unless that's just what the Pi does. If you want to transcode, though, you'll need the CPU power, which means heat.

RE: A few nooby questions - Added by Andrew N about 1 year ago

Thank you all, your responses are greatly appreciated.

It sounds as if this project is a starter for me, that language track selection will be available client side (in my case Kodi LibreELEC). If it wasn't then I'd go no further. I can now buy a Pi HAT with a degree of confidence that I can achieve what I want.

Re overheating, that was just something I've read. I also have not experienced it on any of my Pis, and I run a 4 as a file and media (audio) server too. As I will build the Tvheadend server on it's own Pi (probably a 1 to start with) then I don't think I'll have a problem nor need to invest in heatsinks (expenditure is something I'm trying to limit at the moment)

Thanks again :)

RE: A few nooby questions - Added by Dave Pickles about 1 year ago

Though I did at one time run TVheadend on a Pi1, I suspect having Kodi on the same box would be too much.

I ran the OSMC-packaged version of Kodi along with TVheadend on a Pi2 for a while. That worked but the UI was sluggish.

If you have a Pi3 spare that might be the one to try.

RE: A few nooby questions - Added by Jonas Lang about 1 year ago

If you’re in any doubt about installation and setup it’s all well documented here

You might also want to read this discussion from fellow members on this subject and what they experienced

Google search is your best friend here if you run into any trouble or in any doubt.

RE: A few nooby questions - Added by Andrew N about 1 year ago

Dave Pickles wrote:

Though I did at one time run TVheadend on a Pi1, I suspect having Kodi on the same box would be too much.

I reckon you're right. I won't put Kodi + TVheadon on the same box. Hopefully, a Pi1 (512mb) will suffice. It certainly appears to be from the google finds I'm getting.

RE: A few nooby questions - Added by Andrew N about 1 year ago

Jonas Lang wrote:

If you’re in any doubt about installation and setup it’s all well documented here

You might also want to read this discussion from fellow members on this subject and what they experienced

Google search is your best friend here if you run into any trouble or in any doubt.

Thank you for the links. Most useful.

I do of course web search before asking questions but the answers have to be there in the first place for google to find! Indeed, my initial searches lead me here, to this very forum.

I'm about to order the Pi TV Hat so I should be putting it all together some time next week. The installation looks simple enough, fingers crossed all goes to plan. :)

RE: A few nooby questions - Added by Jonas Lang about 1 year ago

Reckon you’ll struggle with a Pi 1. Also I don’t recommend using that setup via WiFi. Wired connection for reliability.

From what I can see LibreELEC will run comfortably on an RPI3b+ Pi DVBT Hat combination and you do have the benefit of having your server/client integrated on one board. They don’t really support DVB devices anymore but the Pi Hat is an exception.

As noted you may struggle with any ts processing though. Having a separate TVH server setup will give you more flexibility too. Let the processing be done with the more powerful client.

RE: A few nooby questions - Added by Andrew N about 1 year ago

Jonas Lang wrote:

Reckon you’ll struggle with a Pi 1.
Having a separate TVH server setup will give you more flexibility too. Let the processing be done with the more powerful client.

Thanks for the pointers. It's exactly the flexibility aspect that's leading me to install TVH on it's own box, and it will be wired. The Pi1 I have decided to repurpose (currently running piCorePlayer) doesn't have WiFi. I note your concerns over its power. I have a Pi2 and a Pi3 each running Kodi and I'm reluctant to switch either of those to a Pi1. I might have to take to ebay etc to see if I can find a Pi3 (the Pi HAT's order now so it has to be a Pi).

RE: A few nooby questions - Added by Jonas Lang about 1 year ago

I’m laughing here. You’re not that much of nooby as you term it.

If you’re looking to make this a daily driver for family use ensure you have it set up solidly both from a hardware and software perspective.

Frame drops and reliable recording are two of the biggest bugbears with that setup. It’s first failed recording in a family environment ultimately becomes its last.

RE: A few nooby questions - Added by Christian Hewitt about 1 year ago

LE dropped support for 512MB Pi boards (RPi0/1) with LE10 as Kodi really needs 1GB RAM minimum with the newer GBM graphics stack. This means you won't find recent stable or nightly images for download (as we haven't built them) only the older LE 9.2 release from 2019. It should still be possible to self-build an image on our current codebase as the kernel sources and such are common to all Pi boards and upstream still maintains support for them. You'd also need to compile the TVH binary add-on as there's no common repo for ARMv6 devices (only ARMv7/8). Self-building isn't for everyone though, and IMHO finding another RPi3B+ to recycle with a current LE release would be the better option. That said, if I was investing in hardware I'd suggest to look into an RPi4/5 board and then repurpose the existing RPi3 you have. It's not the cheap option (new PSU/case/cables needed in addition to the board) but RPi4 is a big step up in performance over RPi2/3 and RPi5 is a night/day comparison.

RE: A few nooby questions - Added by Andrew N about 1 year ago

Thanks for the pointers CH.

Just for the record, I wasn't planning to put Kodi & TVH on the same Pi. Both my LE installs are on 1GB Raspis and will stay that way. Noting what has been said, I found a Pi3 on ebay and I will use for TVH only. (Aside: a Pi holds it price!) I shall be putting it all together (using the excellent guide linked upstream) next week. I'm quite looking forward to it in honesty and I'm currently researching self-build case options, and looking for inspiration generally. The box will be sitting on general display so I want it to look both at home and a bit different. I've a few fans sitting laying around so I might look to add on, though I'm not convinced it'll need it.

RE: A few nooby questions - Added by Andrew N about 1 year ago

Success! All installed and working (Pi 3b & Pi TV HAT). The dashboard is a tad overwhelming at first but I'll get the hang of it. A few glitches to iron out, notably picture quality on a Kodi client, but I'm hoping I'll find the answers on here.

RE: A few nooby questions - Added by Andrew N about 1 year ago

I'm well impresed. Tvheadend is delivering the goods, I don't understand an n'th of it in truth but I've gotten it up and running, more by luck and intuition than by design and knowhow it's true. Still, I'm getting there.

And the Kodi addon is brilliant at taking, summarising and presenting the info available into something a little more 'user friendly' and inline with common understanding of TV schedules etc.

Then Yatse (android apk) is the perfect remote control; the integration is seamless, intuitive and effective. Switching language tracks (both with Yatse and directly on Kodi) is simplicity and that was,in honesty, one of my concerns. I'm really pleased I've taken the plunge with this project.

I've still got to experiment with recording programs but I'm hopeful that'll be straightforward too.
