


Very simple question... (install help req'd)

Added by Andrew McGillis almost 9 years ago

Hey folks,
So I'm not very good with linux... I'm having some install troubles. I had it running on an old version of lubuntu about a year ago (tvheadend v3.ish)... I decided to install the latest version so I could take advantage of the hdhomerun work that's been added to tvheadend. Running Ubuntu vivid

The repository appears to be new. I have done this:

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 379CE192D401AB61
echo deb stable main | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list

So the instructions aren't explicit from here, but I gathered I should run apt-get update and apt-get install tvheadend:

sudo apt-get update

Pretending to be smart, I read through the output, and I picked out the following:

Get:1 stable InRelease
Ign stable InRelease

And then...

sudo apt-get install tvheadend

And I get:

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package tvheadend

<Sigh> ... and I'm at the end of my linux skills...

I am sure this is a simple fix. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

I checked the forums and I found lots of helpful posts written by helpful people helping linux weaklings like myself, but all for version 3.4 and earlier using the old repository.

Many thanks,

Replies (5)

RE: Very simple question... (install help req'd) - Added by Prof Yaffle almost 9 years ago

A couple of quick ones for you...

1. What platform are you on? Even if you're on Ubuntu, that doesn't mean that all variants have a package... uname -a would help.

2. The output from apt-cache policy tvheadend would tell you if there's a package available anywhere, and from where if (subject to [1], above, of course)

I'd guess you're on a 32-bit platform or similar...

RE: Very simple question... (install help req'd) - Added by Andrew McGillis almost 9 years ago

Thanks for a quick response:

1) 3.19.0-33-generic #38-Ubuntu SMP ... i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux

2) Couldn't find it:

apt-cache policy tvheadend
N: Unable to locate package tvheadend


RE: Very simple question... (install help req'd) - Added by Prof Yaffle almost 9 years ago

i686 = 32-bit = no builds in the PPA. That's why it can't find it; your OS is there, but not your architecture.

Options, then, are...

1. Build it yourself (which is genuinely easy enough once you have all the dependencies in place).

2. Upgrade your operating system (which is no trivial task, and may not be possible if you're running on a really old architecture that doesn't support 64-bit/x86_64)

3. Install the package manually and not rely on the PPA

Option (2) will give you upgrades in future; neither (1) nor (3) will, though, so you're into either building a new version when an update is released in the case of option (1), or waiting for someone to do it for you for option (3).

Now, if you want to give it a whirl, it just so happens that I have built a 32-bit version of the current stable release... it's available here. I've not tested it, though, even though it should work... but be aware that you're a guinea pig :)

(and I made an error when building these, in that they have x265 enabled but not x264... that's not at all relevant unless you want to transcode, and even then I don't fully know the implications... I'll rebuild them at some point and replace these binaries, though. That said, they'll be a simple install-and-overwrite for anyone who has installed them already, so shouldn't affect configuration options at all).

RE: Very simple question... (install help req'd) - Added by Andrew McGillis almost 9 years ago

OK - thanks so much for the input. I'm going to have to tackle this in about 10 hours. Will report back.

RE: Very simple question... (install help req'd) - Added by Prof Yaffle almost 9 years ago

Let me see if I can get new builds up there tonight, then. I've been thinking about this on another thread... wondering what the "missing" x265 option actually would do... and I think it's just the difference between bundling it statically and rolling it into the binary as part of the ffmpeg elements. So not disaster, by any means.
