Recordings no longer appearing ?
Added by Michael M about 10 years ago
After realising the folly of having my dvr logs set at 31 days, I changed them to 9000 (why not, right ?).
On doing that, all my existing recordings were no longer accessible (even though the recordings were still there, and the dvr logs were also still there).
On top of that, it seems that new recordings now don't appear in the dvr log (even though the recording succeeded).
I'm running tvheadend Build: 3.4~wheezy (debian)
Let me know if you need more information.
Replies (1)
RE: Recordings no longer appearing ? - Added by Prof Yaffle about 10 years ago
I can't say for certain, but did you try a different number?
If the log retention time is held in, say, an 8-bit number then 255 would be the maximum. If it's in 16-bit then you shouldn't have a problem, but try it.
I doubt you really need to retain your logs for 25 years