


problems with iptv transcoding

Added by alf alfonsius over 10 years ago

i am trying to transcode input from multicast from ~6mbit/s to ~1.5-2mbit/s using profiles, webtv-h264-aac-mpegts gives me errors and the other webtv-* only black screen and no sound with vlc-2.1.5

2014-10-15 12:11:51.074 [ DEBUG] libav: frame= 0 QP=24.46 NAL=3 Slice:I Poc:0 I:720 P:0 SKIP:0 size=6808 bytes
2014-10-15 12:11:51.074 [ DEBUG] webui: Start streaming /stream/channelnumber/1?profile=webtv-h264-aac-mpegts
2014-10-15 12:11:51.074 [WARNING] libav: Using AVStream.codec.time_base as a timebase hint to the muxer is deprecated. Set AVStream.time_base instead.
2014-10-15 12:11:51.074 [ INFO] libav: muxrate VBR,
2014-10-15 12:11:51.074 [ INFO] libav: pcr every 1 pkts, sdt every 200, pat/pmt every 40 pkts
2014-10-15 12:11:51.074 [ ERROR] libav: H.264 bitstream malformed, no startcode found, use the video bitstream filter 'h264_mp4toannexb' to fix it ('-bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb' option with ffmpeg)
2014-10-15 12:11:51.074 [WARNING] libav: Failed to write frame
2014-10-15 12:11:51.074 [WARNING] webui: Stop streaming /stream/channelnumber/1?profile=webtv-h264-aac-mpegts, muxer reported errors
2014-10-15 12:11:51.074 [WARNING] libav: Failed to write mpegts trailer

guess the -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb have to be compiled in ?
any diffrence in cpu-load if i set preset ultrafast ?
another question, since we have file input and encoder why not stream files from harddisk like a channel :P? makes a mediacenter in the end..


Replies (2)

RE: problems with iptv transcoding - Added by Desmoss 900 over 10 years ago

am having the same issue...

RE: problems with iptv transcoding - Added by Rainer Schütz over 10 years ago

Are you using current master? Try to build again, during the last hours a few commits have been made that might have fixed your issues.
