


Add a new private DVB table

Added by Kaiser Kaiser over 10 years ago


I want to add a new private DVB Table who extend the existing DVB Tables and use it with inside Tvheadend.

To be honnest, I am new in Tvheadend and I don't know how to do it.

Can you help me by show me some tutorials or wiki about it.

Thank you in advanced and don't hesitate to contact me if you need more informations.



Replies (2)

RE: Add a new private DVB table - Added by Prof Yaffle over 10 years ago

What do you mean by "DVB table"? Do you mean your own mux definitions for DVB-T or -S (in which case, you can simply add them manually)? Or is it something else?

RE: Add a new private DVB table - Added by Kaiser Kaiser over 10 years ago


Sorry for my late reply. In fact, what I want to do is to add a new DVB private table that will enrich the EIT but broadcasted in higher incidence this is why I can not afford to just enrich the EIT.

For example, suppose I diffuse a table that contains an ID that will be shared between the program and other information concerning it who can operate on the same TS and may be bearing earths later for something else.

What do you think? I'm no expert DVB and any comments will be welcome.

Thank you.
