


@Adam and Team - Observations on Upgrade to Master

Added by Prof Yaffle almost 11 years ago

Guys -

I bit the bullet and moved to master (3.9.379~g6f1b17e~precise) yesterday - as always, nice work on the rewrite, progress to world domination and the backend of choice continues apace!

As a bit of a scratchpad, then, I thought I'd share some things I've seen, noticed, or randomly imagined. I can't confirm that these are genuinely bugs, quirks, or simply artefacts of my setup, but I thought I'd mention them here and, if anyone recognises them, we can work from there as needed.

1. Migration Script

Generally worked fine.

It left my adapters disabled, but this was expected as it was noted in the instructions. It didn't migrate any extra adapter weight/priority. It also renamed two identical adapters to the same name, although this is only cosmetic from what I can see and is trivial to alter.

2. Setup/Channels

After migration, I ended up with a whole load of channels mapped that I had originally disabled. I suspect that, had I started with discovery, I'd have been able to suppress these by de-selecting "include encrypted channels" when mapping - but, since they existed already, this did nothing. I also couldn't work out how to disable them by hacking the config files, so I ended up disabling them by hand. They're still in the EPG, though; there's no longer any obvious equivalent of "EIT enabled". I haven't done a definitive "flush test" on the EPG, but I believe they survive a stop/deletion of the EPG database/restart.

Not a killer, you simply need to be much more specific on autorec rules, as e.g. "HDTV" picks up all the encrypted Sky stuff instead of just FTA, for example. Curable with a new group/tag, and I'll maybe try trashing the channel info and re-scanning at some point, but...

3. TS container and MIME Types

Have you subtley changed format at all? The reason I ask is that, while all old .ts files are identified on my 'buntu box as MPEG-2 Transport Stream, all of the new ones (post-3.9) show up as Message Catalogue (although the system honours the default mapping to VLC based on extension, but the "open with other program..." gives options of Abi Word, Libre Office and similar instead of Parole, SMPlayer, mkvmergegui and the like). I suspect that something's changed in the file header, and the MIME type isn't solely triggered from file extension (e.g. a leading 0x00 byte or similar).

Anyway, fixable on a workaround by creating ~/.local/share/mime/packages/mpeg-ts.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mime-info xmlns="">
  <mime-type type="video/mpeg">
    <glob pattern="*.ts"/>
    <comment>MPEG-TS File</comment>
    <expanded-acronym>Moving Picture Experts Group</expanded-acronym>

And then importing:

$ update-mime-database ~/.local/share/mime

This may be a long-standing bug in Ubuntu, though, but it's odd how it only applies to recent .ts files - either you've introduced a problem, or fixed something that was hiding one before!

Screenshot of before and after files attached. Ubuntu still gets the MPEG-2 wrong, since they're H.264 encoded, but that's the default MIME type, and you can see my replacement in the third file.

After fixing the MIME type, I have thumbnails and correct "Open with..." associations.

4. Channel Names

I'm getting some odd behaviour on channel names, both when recording and in the resultant DVR rules. In essence, I'm getting the unique hex identifier instead of the normal (human) name - although only sometimes.

Two files attached: the first, creating an autorec rule based on programme name and channel, both of which are correct in the EPG but then the channel name wanders off to become 74d93cb418664f03aed01c8a03f4c4f2 in the autorec dialogue. The second, a view of my Automatic Recording rules - here, you can see that the channel name is now correct, but stuff I created before the upgrade is now in hex instead. They all seem to work, though, so it's purely cosmetic.

5. Recordings: Audio Stream Tagging

Multiple audio streams recorded with 3.4 always correctly appeared in avidemux as Unknown/English; VLC would correctly identify them as NAR/English.

Since the upgrade, I'm getting a lot of Unknown/Unknown, even though VLC and mediainfo correctly spot them as NAR/English still. It's probably something about how avidemux reads the embedded information, and I can't promise that the new recordings are from DVB-T2 while the old ones were typically DVB-S2 (because of the change of adapter priority) - but it might be something you've changed in the container, maybe related to the "Rewrite PAT"/"Rewrite PMT" options... but maybe not...

Anyway, perhaps not bugs with tvheadend, but let's capture them here and see if anyone else gets them.


ian@Server:~$ uname -a
Linux Server 3.5.0-45-generic #68~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Dec 4 16:18:46 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

ian@Server:~$ lsb_release -a 
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS
Release:        12.04
Codename:       precise



mimetypes.png (30.9 KB) mimetypes.png MIME types - before and after
channel name.png (68.4 KB) channel name.png Channel name reverting to hex in EPG/autorec view
channel2.png (43.1 KB) channel2.png Channel/hex issue on automatic recording rules

Replies (1)

RE: @Adam and Team - Observations on Upgrade to Master - Added by Prof Yaffle almost 11 years ago

Talking to myself a little, at least the channel name strings in the DVR AUtomatic Recorder view were easily fixed - simply editing one of the entries corrected the channel names for all of them. I still get an identifier string in the EPG view when setting a new rule, but that's piffling.
