


[solved]Muanually configure for not listed scan file

Added by Mike Rolland about 13 years ago

I try to use tvheadend but because my channel scan file is not listed in country/region list I can't do anything.
I try to find config files to edit, but it seem to be not really editable, or not existant.

So how do I turn arround the problem?
Any idea?

Replies (7)

RE: Muanually configure for not listed scan file - Added by Hein Rigolo about 13 years ago

Manually add a multiplex on the multiplex tab of the dvb adapter ... Add the details that are needed. When you have done this do not forget to click on the "save changes" button.

The "add dvb network by location" is a automatic way of adding the multiplexes from a pre-defined list to the multiplexes tab.


RE: Muanually configure for not listed scan file - Added by Mike Rolland about 13 years ago

Thanks, I finally have this.
But I had some other troubles with xmltv grab and direct play.
The first doesn't produce any output and the second doesn"t read or record.
There's not many documentation in documentation. I could certainly figure what's going wrong with détail documentation but there's none.

Too bad, project and soft was really attractive and match the exact goals I was looking for, but it apparently doesn't manage correctly my DVB-T dongle like can do Me-TV,vlc and other.

At least, if it was a man page for conf files, I could procduce them manually, but I didn"t find.

RE: Muanually configure for not listed scan file - Added by Hein Rigolo about 13 years ago

The xmltv grabber is run under the same user as tvheadend is running at. If your grabber need configuration you might need to login as that user and configure the xmltv grabber from the command line.

What do you mean with direct play? What do you use to play?

If your dvb-t adapter works under linux then it wil most likely work with tvheadend. What problems do you have with your dvb-t adapter?

One of the strenghts of tvheadend is that there is minimal configuration and that it cab be managed via the web interface. All the details that it needs tomknow about the dvb data is comming fromthat datastream and not from a configuration file. It is not recomended to manually update the json file that tvheadend creates to store some configuration data. That might cause some unexpected results.

RE: Muanually configure for not listed scan file - Added by Mike Rolland about 13 years ago

I get lot of error in stream, and nothing is recorded.
I mean by "play" when I try to use the "play" link in configuration tab or "watch tv". It open a vlc player plugin but doesn't seem to catch anything in stream and wont diplay something. So I'm not sure the mozilla vlc plugin I have is the right one.

I think xmltv file is store in .xmltv dir in hts user but how is this name by default by tvheadend? (tv_grab-xx.xml?)

Briefly, I lost.

RE: Muanually configure for not listed scan file - Added by Hein Rigolo about 13 years ago

Tvheadend directly calls the configured tv_grab_xxx grabber and the xmltv file is loaded directly into tvheadend. So there is no xmltv file that is stored anywhere. Some grabbers need, or can be, configured before they work. All these configurations are usaually stored in the .xmltv directory of the user that is running the grabber. In your case that is under the hts user home directory.

If you experience errors in the streams it is usually because of bad receiption. So make sure you can use the standard dvb-apps tools to tune your card and look for errors using femon or other tools. If your card is correctly working using these tools then tvheadend most likely will also work.

The play option is there to quickly test a stream, but it was never intended to the primairy means of watching tv. Tvheadend can be accessed using the htsp protocol to watch stream with various clients. The best known clients are xbmc and showtime. Using these clients you can watch live tv from tvheadend.

RE: Muanually configure for not listed scan file - Added by Mike Rolland about 13 years ago

Ok, I well understand now.

I will control all dvb dongle receiption, and tell you next what's new.


RE: [solved]Muanually configure for not listed scan file - Added by Mike Rolland about 13 years ago

Ok, all thing works now.
Now I have to convert mkv in readable video format file for classic home pvr.
No good results for now. Sound is always asynchronous.

Thanks for all.
