


[Solved] Fetches XMLTV via http but then nothing

Added by Ed O'Loughlin almost 9 years ago

I'm using Kodi as a frontend on an OpenELEC box. I've configured he tvheadend service to fetch an xmltv.xml file via http from a remote server. I can see on the server that the file is requested when I reboot the OpenELEC box but the EPG is never updated (I only have now/next info from the OTA info).

There's nothing in the kodi log and if I enable debug logging for tvheadend, there's just some preamble and about 100 lines that look similar to

2015-12-03 20:58:20.631 [   INFO]:mpegts: 11739V in 28.2E Astra (0x26f5ac8) - deleting

I have a feeling that there are two issues:

1. The debug log setting is disabled on startup, so I'm missing anything related to xmltv.
2. I might have to explicitly enable xmltv debugging and I don't know what the module name is.

Is there any way to manually force tvheadend to fetch the xmltv data and what debug setting do I need to log xmltv/epg stuff?

Replies (3)

RE: Fetches XMLTV via http but then nothing - Added by Ed O'Loughlin almost 9 years ago

Looking at the code, I can see that the module names are epggrab and xmltv.

Can anyone tell me where I can set flags for tvheadend in KODI so that I can turn on debugging at boot time?

RE: Fetches XMLTV via http but then nothing - Added by Prof Yaffle almost 9 years ago

So you're grabbing the xml file directly rather than using one of the normal xmltv grabbers, correct?

How is that supposed to get into tvheadend? Are you seeing any EPG in the web interface - I'd be surprised if you are unless you're feeding it in through e.g. a socket interface. I think there is an external grabber that would do what you're looking for - I assume there's some reason you can't use xmltv in the usual way.

Re: Kodi debugging - if it's on when you shut down, it should be on when you start up again. However, Kodi just reads the EPG from the back end, so it's more likely to be the case that tvh isn't sending anything

RE: Fetches XMLTV via http but then nothing - Added by Ed O'Loughlin almost 9 years ago

It just started working after doing nothing for a few days!

I have mc2xml ( running on a VPS, generating an xmltv file and copying it to an nginx doc directory. I used the Kodi/Confluence config dialog for tvheadend. It allowed me to specify a URL to fetch the file. I've no idea what happens behind the scenes, but I now have an EPG.
