Daniel Ribeiro
- Email: [email protected]
- Registered on: 2016-05-22
- Last connection: 2019-03-13
19:14 Tvheadend Bug #5574 (New): recordings m3u shows recording from all users
- When exporting recordings to m3u using /playlist/recordings, tvheadend shows recordings from all users, ignoring the ...
19:36 Tvheadend Bug #5257: AAC-LATM ==> AAC (sac) no audio stream with transcoding (Reopen of #3105)
- Also worth noticing, using tvheadend 4.1 AAC transcode works fine for LATM.
18:47 Tvheadend Bug #5257 (New): AAC-LATM ==> AAC (sac) no audio stream with transcoding (Reopen of #3105)
- AAC-LATM ==> AAC (sac) no audio stream with transcoding
This was never fixed. I get no audio using version 4.3-146...
11:16 Tvheadend Bug #3874 (New): status.xml "next" includes recordings tagged as skipped/rerun
- status.xml "next" includes recordings tagged as skipped/rerun, and as such doesn't accurately provides minutes left t...
15:12 Tvheadend Bug #3854 (Fixed): Should add a subscription entry when streaming a recording with HTSP
- When streaming a recording via HTTP a subscription is set (visible in the webinterface and on status.xml), but not wh...
10:47 Tvheadend Feature #3852 (Rejected): Should get an Inhibitor from systemd when has active subscriptions
- Hello,
Tvheadend should use the Inhibitor API (1) from systemd/logind to prevent/delay system suspend when it has ...
13:55 Tvheadend General: RE: Getting ISDB-T Working on recent builds (in Argentina)
- ISDB-T works for me with the same USB dongle (Brasil). Version 4.1-2052~g6b9dcab~trusty.
13:42 Tvheadend Feature #3819 (New): Stream Filters by network or mux
- Hi, it would be great to have stream filters that apply to a Network or Mux, instead of just a single service or all ...
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