

Jeee _




21:53 Tvheadend Bug #5115: Shared EMM's are not sent to Oscam after commit 25dfdb64f3005a47823db320a77a4bf964ceb3b1
I have the same issue. It used to work without issues. With newcamd I did not get any EMM at all. With DVBAPI the glo... Jeee _


19:51 Tvheadend General: RE: tvheadend as tuner and mythtv as recorder?
this be really cool. If only tvheaded could create some kind of virtual dvb device (just like the dvbloopback device ... Jeee _


21:14 Tvheadend General: RE: Howto get recording played remotely with kodi
it's a kodi bug:
Jeee _


18:53 Tvheadend Bug #3913 (New): Recordings do not play properly
TV recordings do not play properly in kodi via TV>Recordings while the content seems to play fine on the same device.... Jeee _
18:50 Tvheadend General: RE: Howto get recording played remotely with kodi
I created a mu3 file and pasted the http link from the tvheadend webinterface in it (since that also played fine in v... Jeee _
18:20 Tvheadend General: RE: Howto get recording played remotely with kodi
I tried with kodi 15.2 as well; no luck. An 16.1 kodi install on my laptop gave the same results. Jeee _
15:57 Tvheadend General: RE: Howto get recording played remotely with kodi
I checked the bandwidth usage on my router and when I play the live stream it uses ~12Mbit/s while when playing the r... Jeee _
09:24 Tvheadend General: RE: Howto get recording played remotely with kodi
I attached a kodi log for both cases, maybe that brings some light. Jeee _
08:14 Tvheadend General: RE: Howto get recording played remotely with kodi
It is HD. But when I stream it live it plays fine (I also tried it with SD and had the same issue). So I assume there... Jeee _


21:35 Tvheadend General: RE: configuration with DiSEqC 2.0
looks like a Satellite config: 2-port switch. what's the issue? Jeee _

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