H Gut
- Email: [email protected]
- Registered on: 2011-04-18
- Last connection: 2011-04-18
08:07 Tvheadend Kodi (XBMC) as frontend: RE: Having troube pausing live TV on all platforms running XBMC
- Are you using teh PVR-Plugin (from opdenkamp?) or the htsp source?
16:00 Tvheadend Kodi (XBMC) as frontend: RE: Having troube pausing live TV on all platforms running XBMC
- Maybe there is a difference between using the htsp-source and the tvheadend xbmc-pvr plugin.
The “Wife acceptance t... -
13:22 Tvheadend Kodi (XBMC) as frontend: RE: Having troube pausing live TV on all platforms running XBMC
- I think the live TV buffering happens in XBMC and not in TvHeadend. I use on my Ubuntu 10.10 lars opdenkamp's ppa (ht...
13:32 Tvheadend Feature #446 (Fixed): Livebuffer/Timeshift
- It would be nice to have a Live Buffer. The LiveBuffer records the actually watched channel. If the user would like t...
- Hello,
I've got current a singel HTPC with Myth-TV (Frontend + Backend) and the a debianized NAS Seagate GoflexHom...
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