durandal therogue
- Email: [email protected]
- Registered on: 2013-12-26
- Last connection: 2013-12-26
04:05 Tvheadend Bug #1888 (Fixed): Unable to stop tvheadend service
- In short, setting a delay in the config file causes upstart to hang on manual start/stop
and the server to hang when... -
03:55 Tvheadend Kodi (XBMC) as frontend: RE: Comprehensive Tvheadend, XBMC, HDHomerun How To
- I too had this and tracked it down to it's root cause. I came with the same solution as your final one, Frank, but wa...
03:38 Tvheadend General: RE: Unable to stop tvheadend service
- I found more people experiencing the same problem, Adam, in the other thread: https://tvheadend.org/boards/14/topics/...
03:44 Tvheadend General: RE: Unable to stop tvheadend service
- 1 Year later, still no answer.
I have the same probem, and I cannot imagine we're the only ones.
Is this a known ...
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