Sven Ludwig
23:47 Tvheadend Feature #2185 (New): Use SQL statements for autorecorings
- I used MythTV for a long time and loved the ability that you can write SQL statements to find the entries within the ...
23:42 Tvheadend Feature #2173: Multiple choise or multiselect on failed recordings for deletion.
- +1
I use a set of finds to keep the recordings under control. This causes many failed recording entries as the fil... -
23:36 Tvheadend Feature #1400: autorec: selectable start time window (former starting around)
- You have to wait a little while, there is currently a pull request at github where this feature(finally) is implement...
10:42 Tvheadend Feature #1400: autorec: selectable start time window (former starting around)
- Hi All,
I Patched this feature to the version _HTS Tvheadend 3.5.203~g635441d_ and it worked. I can report that th...
13:38 Tvheadend Feature #1400: autorec: selectable start time window (former starting around)
- Yes. This convertion works. The only thing i noticed is, when you click in the webinterface on a time column in order...
12:27 Tvheadend Feature #1400: autorec: selectable start time window (former starting around)
- Hi Ronald,
If you use 0:00 as time the webinterface thinks that this field isn't initializied. That's why it displ... -
12:22 Tvheadend Feature #1400: autorec: selectable start time window (former starting around)
- Hi Ronald,
There seems to be a bug. When i change and entry the "Start before" column is empty after saving the ch...
00:11 Tvheadend Feature #1400: autorec: selectable start time window (former starting around)
- Hi Ronald,
Any updates on this ticket? I'm waiting desperately for this feature :)
This would allow me to kick ...
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