Nicolas C
- Email: [email protected]
- Registered on: 2013-03-22
- Last connection: 2019-04-04
- Tvheadend (Wiki Editor, 2014-11-17)
22:09 Tvheadend Bug #5592: No services mapped on ISDB-T (trace included)
- Hey perexg,
So I tested this using an older version (4.2.2) and it seems to work fine, so it was probably introduced...
11:16 Tvheadend Bug #5592: No services mapped on ISDB-T (trace included)
- One more update. I tried clicking Skip TSID Check and skip TSID check and now I'm getting the service name and the st...
11:07 Tvheadend Bug #5592: No services mapped on ISDB-T (trace included)
- and screenshot of the symptom -
11:06 Tvheadend Bug #5592: No services mapped on ISDB-T (trace included)
- Now complete between subscribe and unsubscribe for the mux scan...
10:25 Tvheadend Bug #5592: No services mapped on ISDB-T (trace included)
- Screenshot documenting previous behaviour
01:18 Tvheadend Bug #5592: No services mapped on ISDB-T (trace included)
- By the way when I try to map the empty list of services.... It shows 25 ignored... so somehow the services are there ...
23:42 Tvheadend Bug #5592: No services mapped on ISDB-T (trace included)
- Added tbl-base trace
Apr 04 20:39:10 hostname tvheadend[1112]: tbl-base: 07 39 C1 00 00 F0 0F 40 09 0E 43 61 6E 61... -
17:30 Tvheadend Bug #5592 (New): No services mapped on ISDB-T (trace included)
- After the successful scan of a MUX (showing two services on the Muxes tab), services don't show up on the Services ta...
19:26 Tvheadend Bug #5138: Cannot Descramble Eutelsat 9B (debug info attached)
- This can be closed now
09:34 Tvheadend Bug #5143: Crash on xmltv epg import
- It also crashes uses internal grabbers so I'm not sure is wg++ related. Maybe is due to a non utf-8 character trying ...
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