Sebastian K.
00:06 Tvheadend Bug #5456: Crash when kodi tries to show channel list
- In Kodi I delete PVR-Data.
@00:47:18.278 T:3969037168 NOTICE: PVR Manager: Starting
00:47:18.636 T:3... -
23:13 Tvheadend Bug #5456: Crash when kodi tries to show channel list
- Hmm... after some playing around crash still exists... image cache is disabled here.
22:48 Tvheadend Bug #5456: Crash when kodi tries to show channel list
- After manual clearing image cache crash went away.
May be bug can be set as resolved…
Sorry for the noise.
22:44 Tvheadend Bug #5456 (Fixed): Crash when kodi tries to show channel list
- With latest build Tvheadend crash immediately after client (kodi) tries to show channel list.
20:22 Tvheadend Bug #5453 (Fixed): Sporadic crash while recording starts
- After manual starting recording in kodi. Tvheadend sporadically crashes (log attached).
While trying to reproduce ...
10:06 Tvheadend Bug #5443 (Fixed): crash after "xmltv: /usr/local/bin/tv_grab_xmltv: grab took 101 seconds"
- Tvheadend crashes continously after grab xmltv.
Revert commit: #42fd13d "htsmsg: check the field/key name length (...
11:44 Tvheadend Bug #5325: idle mux scan stuck at certain mux
- This was my first approach and this will also work fine for this special use case (idle scan)… but looks also ugly to...
23:17 Tvheadend Bug #5325: idle mux scan stuck at certain mux
- May be it's to late but I think condition should be reversed...
@if(cmpfunc(elm,_tmp) <= 0) {@ same meaning @if(cm...
00:41 Tvheadend Bug #5325 (New): idle mux scan stuck at certain mux
- See attached log file. Idle mux scanning gets stuck at a certain mux.
With patch behavior went away.
10:50 Tvheadend Bug #5190 (Fixed): SAT>IP Frontent Parameter not accessible
- With version 4.3-1292~g9b9ee6859-dirty (attach:tvheadend_tuner_parameter_4.3-1292~g9b9ee6859-dirty.png) all works as ...
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