Kiall Mac Innes
- Email: [email protected]
- Registered on: 2011-01-01
- Last connection: 2017-03-06
13:01 Tvheadend General: RE: TVHeadend Live Channel for Android TV
- No, the app relies very heavily on Android TV specific functionality, unless google release these bits publicly and t...
12:02 Tvheadend General: RE: TVHeadend Live Channel for Android TV
- Choppy HD channels is something we're aware of, and working towards fixing. However, I've never seen slow motion on m...
23:19 Tvheadend General: RE: TVHeadend Live Channel for Android TV
- Looks like a bunch of folks are having success with the app, with some good feedback on the G+ community, awesome :)
00:20 Tvheadend General: RE: TVHeadend Live Channel for Android TV
- Derp, typos :)
1. We currently require you have a streaming profile called "tif" defined in TVHeadend.
- Hey all,
We've build a Live Channel add-on for Android TV, it's pretty beta, but would love some wider testing, fe... -
23:52 Tvheadend General: RE: Android TV - Live Channels
- So, we've done it :)
18:05 Tvheadend General: RE: Inaris SAT>IP for Android
- Ah, well. That certainly explains it! I'll be keeping any eye out for an update with RSTP support :)
- Hey Folks - I've been trying to use the Inaris SAT>IP Android app with TV Headend's SAT>IP server.
I'm not having ...
07:04 Tvheadend Feature #156: mediahighway epg and different epg encoding
- I would love to see [[OpenTV]] EPG support - I know VDR's EEGG plugin supports this and other EPG formats..
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