Enigma131 enig
10:22 Tvheadend Bug #6060: PCMCIA Data rate command hangs CI CAM
- Sill waiting for a solution. In mean time, I have forked git to my github
08:05 Tvheadend Bug #6060: PCMCIA Data rate command hangs CI CAM
- Yes, 9F 80 24 isn't mentioned in EN50221 because it isn't a CI command.
Look at your CI+ link, Table A1 page 25, App...
20:39 Tvheadend Bug #6060: PCMCIA Data rate command hangs CI CAM
- Hum good question. I havent Ci+ compatible CAM to test ...
08:07 Tvheadend Bug #6060: PCMCIA Data rate command hangs CI CAM
- I had modified my line in bold and it works.
The problem is for line:
if (app->cia_info_version >= 3) /* at least...
18:10 Tvheadend Bug #6060 (New): PCMCIA Data rate command hangs CI CAM
- I have wrong command for normal CI CAM ( not CI+ compatible cam)
2021-06-02 08:14:58.073 [ TRACE] en50221: dvbca0... -
18:05 Tvheadend Bug #6059: Patchs for long CAPMTs
- Patch is working thanks ;)
You have done more changes as me. I don't sure we will have messages above 0x10000 a day,...
20:21 Tvheadend Bug #6059: Patchs for long CAPMTs
- Thanks for the patch, I will try it tomorrow ;)
20:22 Tvheadend Bug #6059: Patchs for long CAPMTs
- Thanks for repply.
Look at function en50221_transport_pdu_write in same file concerning datalen encoding ;) this o...
12:57 Tvheadend Bug #6059 (Fixed): Patchs for long CAPMTs
- Hi,
I have discover errors for long CAPMTs (> 256 Bytes) when decrypting via PCMCIA.
First one concerns en50221_s... -
12:56 Tvheadend Descrambling: RE: Patchs for long CAPMTs
- Thanks, posted here : https://tvheadend.org/issues/6059
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