Łukasz Dymek
11:44 Tvheadend Bug #6027: Persistant auth issue with reverse proxy
- Łukasz Dymek wrote:
> the playlist above is without persistant auth key, so playback endings with 401 error, when I ... -
11:42 Tvheadend Bug #6027: Persistant auth issue with reverse proxy
- the playlist above is without persistant auth key, so playback endings with 401 error, when I change to:
https://t... -
11:04 Tvheadend Bug #6027: Persistant auth issue with reverse proxy
- Found a temporary or permament solution, waiting for developer confirmation about this url
when url is changed to:... -
10:25 Tvheadend Bug #6027: Persistant auth issue with reverse proxy
- This is reverse proxy, configured to pass 9981 to https 443
21:13 Tvheadend Bug #6027 (Invalid): Persistant auth issue with reverse proxy
- Hello,
I am facing issue when try to redownload playlist using external m3u client, like android tivimate. I have ...
11:22 Tvheadend Bug #5878: Playlist downloaded through proxy server contains wrong URL
- yes, found it, the bug in cofiguration was:
@ *upstream upstream_tvh -- this should be changed to domain name* {
23:48 Tvheadend Feature #5879 (Rejected): Multicast UDP/RTSP output
- Is it possible to output streams as multicast from TVH? Right now, we have great unicast HTSP/PASS. It can be usefull...
23:45 Tvheadend Bug #5866: Multicast from multiple sources
- Maybe full SSM implementation? SSM, so we have one multicast, and multiple sources, where one is main, another is bac...
23:42 Tvheadend Bug #5878 (Invalid): Playlist downloaded through proxy server contains wrong URL
- Hi,
I have nginx with Tvheadend 4.3-1857~g221c29b, but TVH version did not matter, on 4.2 situation is the same. I...
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