Stephen West
- Are all dvb drivers expected to report snr 0-65535? Mine seems to report 0-255.
I noticed that the snr for hvr-160...
15:43 Tvheadend Bug #6146: Access-Control-Allow-Headers content-length needed for cors
- Re-verefied on master: 26713c1
PR opened:
14:49 Tvheadend Bug #6146 (Fixed): Access-Control-Allow-Headers content-length needed for cors
- I started a project to use grid data from the api, set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *, but still ran into a cors ...
07:10 Tvheadend Bug #5651: CPU at 100% after some hours
- I didn't think I modified anything. How would I go about getting an unmodified version? I tried to follow the instruc...
18:32 Tvheadend Bug #5651: CPU at 100% after some hours
- forgot I'm running:
HTS Tvheadend 4.3.0~pre+202007131151-0~built202007140102~gitce09077~ubuntu18.04.1
...maybe I ... -
18:15 Tvheadend Bug #5651: CPU at 100% after some hours
- I think I'm getting hit with this issue:
Flole Systems wrote:
> Use gdb to check what they are doing. Then you kn...
- TLDR; Why would the HTSP connection interfere with the recording connection?
I'm not sure if this is a bug, or a r...
17:59 Tvheadend General: RE: tvheadend-git on Arch Linux - error 403 forbidden login
- I'm getting the most luck using the superuser to loginto the webui.
03:58 Tvheadend General: RE: Pre-recording padding problem
- How do we report link farm bots?
Anyway, I haven't seen the issue since, so that may have been it.
07:57 Tvheadend General: RE: Pre-recording padding problem
- I've also noticed that other recordings got the padding right. I have just now un-checked "Skip Commercials", maybe t...
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