Yura Scheglyuk
09:15 Tvheadend Feature #390: EPG time offset for selected channels
- Adam Sutton wrote:
> I need to review this, I would have thought EIT data included info about absolute time of the b...
16:16 Tvheadend XMLTV: RE: content type/category
- Hardcoding of EPG categories is not good practice. In other languages this EPG categories may be written by other wor...
19:55 Tvheadend Feature #762 (Rejected): Add option for limit user access by channel tag
- Could you please add option for limit user access by channel tag. For example I have to limit access to kids only for...
10:34 Tvheadend General: RE: Playlist from TVHeadEnd-URL?
- No at this time AFIK. Please ask developers to implement this feature as feature request in http://www.lonelycoder.co...
08:46 Tvheadend Feature #562: Run script or program when tvheadend goes to idle state
- Alain Kalker wrote:
> Come to think of it, it would be nice if tvheadend could start a script at end of recording as...
18:09 Tvheadend Bug #555: mkv produced by tvheadend are not playable by dedicated hardware players that support othrwyse most mkv
- There are a lot of bugreports about hardware players. I made workaround - see bug #392
20:26 Tvheadend Bug #464: Wrong filestructure of HD-Recordings (H264)
- I have attached LuxeHD-20110505-010856.raw 13.3 Мb raw dump of the h264 Luxe HD IPTV stream.
12:35 Tvheadend Bug #392: Popcorn Hour A-110 can't play recorded .mkv files
- I found that simple run of mkvmerge on recorded mkv's fix "wrong" mkv structure. But this is the partial solution bec...
16:32 Tvheadend Bug #464: Wrong filestructure of HD-Recordings (H264)
- Yes, I have the same problem. Tvheadend recordings not playing on some software and hardware players. I found that si...
14:36 Tvheadend Feature #70: Revive the simple web interface
- Yura Scheglyuk wrote:
> The simple web interface to view online channels would be fine for simple devices like mob...
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