NW User
05:45 Tvheadend General: RE: Stuttering on one channel
- For future users, I got this fixed with a wget to the OPB channel on boot through cronjob. Dont ask me why but it hel...
- Hi I have recorded few shows using Autorec feature. I had it initially set it to 2 week file retention. After a recor...
03:46 Tvheadend Tutorial and setups: RE: Waiting for stream not recording
- Ran into this issue for the first time today. Aborting and trying to manually record the program from WebUI didnt hel...
- Hi all,
I have setup my TVH Server on a different network than the client network. I use port forwarding for the T...
04:21 Tvheadend Bug #5041 (New): Blank access control may prevent WebUI login
- I dont know if this is known but I didnt come across this in any of the discussion threads. Basically I had an access...
02:39 Tvheadend Bug #5012: Services on 195.028MHz stutering big time
- I tried different browsers but I am having issues attaching the file. Do you think I can put a post-run script into T...
03:02 Tvheadend Bug #5012: Services on 195.028MHz stutering big time
- Here is a stream from OPB Mux. There are 4 services on this mux. I dont know if all 4 have been recorded in this stream.
02:45 Tvheadend Bug #5012: Services on 195.028MHz stutering big time
- Hi Jaroslav,
I think what I am saying now might sound like Voodoo magic. I was trying to collect the ts using wget...
16:58 Tvheadend Bug #5012: Services on 195.028MHz stutering big time
- Hi. I had played with that value. I had it set to 1504000. I just increased it to max value of 1880000. Yet no use. I...
04:54 Tvheadend Bug #5012 (Invalid): Services on 195.028MHz stutering big time
- Here is Portland, OR-USA, OPB is serviced on 195.028MHz. It works great with my MythTV installation on the same syste...
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