Tristan Bastian
- Email: [email protected]
- Registered on: 2017-05-19
- Last connection: 2017-05-25
17:23 Tvheadend Bug #4397: (docker issue?) randomly crashing with satip-axe firmware
- The problem seems to be solve for me. :)
How about you, hattori hanzo?
23:25 Tvheadend Bug #4397: (docker issue?) randomly crashing with satip-axe firmware
- The latest version from linuxserver now contains your changes, I will test it now.
23:18 Tvheadend Bug #4397: (docker issue?) randomly crashing with satip-axe firmware
- I will have to wait until linuxserver pushes a new docker image..
16:22 Tvheadend Bug #4397: (docker issue?) randomly crashing with satip-axe firmware
- I've now started the container with docker start -a tvheadend so I'm directly attached to the tvheadend process. This...
00:43 Tvheadend Bug #4397: (docker issue?) randomly crashing with satip-axe firmware
- I attached a log file, but i was not able to recreate the Alert lines.. but the problem does still exist.
21:57 Tvheadend Bug #4397 (Fixed): (docker issue?) randomly crashing with satip-axe firmware
- I'm not sure whether this is a bug of tvheadend or satip-axe, or maybe both.
I'm running Tvheadend 4.3-117~gddf420be...
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