Bapak Ireng
- Hi to All,
i run HTS Tvheadend 4.3-2024~g420786927 including the above SAT-IP server. (see picture1 1) including sta...
15:54 Tvheadend Tutorial and setups: RE: [MANUAL] Building .DEB packages on clean Ubuntu or other Debian distros
- Ok, in the meantime eveything worked out, the .deb package is installed and tvheadend is up and running! Now it's tim...
14:25 Tvheadend Tutorial and setups: RE: [MANUAL] Building .DEB packages on clean Ubuntu or other Debian distros
- Hi, this is my output of ./configure:
serv03@root /home/tvheadend/tvheadend-master: ./configure
Checking support/fe...
17:34 Tvheadend Tutorial and setups: RE: [MANUAL] Building .DEB packages on clean Ubuntu or other Debian distros
- Perfect ! Five Stars Manual to be able to compile on DEBIAN 9 as well!
22:35 Tvheadend General: RE: Compile latest master from github on DEBIAN 9
- *FINAL Solution:*
h1. *Blocked the predefined input from FF password manager!!!! Blocked the website of tvheadend!... -
22:30 Tvheadend General: RE: Compile latest master from github on DEBIAN 9
- from TVH remote client(tvhclient 1.9.8) on mobile (ANDROID) device the credentials for admin user works fine and log...
22:20 Tvheadend General: RE: Compile latest master from github on DEBIAN 9
- thanks I already got it.....
root:srv01:/home/tvheadend >dpkg -i tvheadend_4.3-295~ga9dffb7e9_amd64.deb
Input... -
22:08 Tvheadend General: RE: Compile latest master from github on DEBIAN 9
- cd /opt & ll /opt:
output see image! -
22:05 Tvheadend General: RE: Compile latest master from github on DEBIAN 9
- additional image of build.linux:
22:01 Tvheadend General: RE: Compile latest master from github on DEBIAN 9
- Followed your instructiuons step by step:
The image shows the result:
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