

Christian .

  • Registered on: 2016-09-23
  • Last connection: 2019-10-31




07:16 Tvheadend Bug #5761 (Fixed): segfault when pre-process/post-process/post-remove command contain special characters
h3. Summary
I observed unexpected behavior using the properties (under Configuration / Recording / Digital Video R...
Christian .


05:35 Tvheadend General: tvheadend-mqtt - an adapter to access the Tvheadend-API via MQTT
I've been looking for an integration of Tvheadend with home automation systems for some time.
My requirements:
Christian .


09:53 Tvheadend General: RE: Feature request: REST API endpoint for DVR free / used / total disk space
That's correct and should be sufficient in most cases. However, since these stats are taken from the system, you don'... Christian .


17:10 Tvheadend General: RE: Feature request: REST API endpoint for DVR free / used / total disk space
Thanks! Christian .
15:52 Tvheadend General: Feature request: REST API endpoint for DVR free / used / total disk space
The Tvheadend GUI contains values for _free_, _used_ and _total_ disk space of the DVR component's storage. These val... Christian .


05:24 Tvheadend Kodi (XBMC) as frontend: Possible to disconnect from server on idle?
h3. Setup
* A few Kodi clients run on Raspberry Pis. The clients are always on.
* Tvheadend is running on a x86 s...
Christian .


18:39 Tvheadend General: RE: Automatic unmount of the drive storing recordings
Thanks for your answer. I didn't consider sending the drive to standby even when it's mounted. The drive was configur... Christian .


19:14 Tvheadend General: Automatic unmount of the drive storing recordings
I'm running Tvheadend 4.2.8-23 (installed from the PPA @ppa:mamarley/tvheadend-git-stable@) on an Ubuntu server 18.04... Christian .


05:53 Tvheadend General: RE: Power-saving techniques - sleep
Unfortunately the message is missing in the log but at least we can see that autosuspend is running every 5 minutes. ... Christian .


14:47 Tvheadend General: RE: Power-saving techniques - sleep
You're probably missing the cron job that periodically runs the autosuspend script.
Run @sudo crontab -e@ to edit th...
Christian .

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