

Tom Butler




01:41 Tvheadend Bug #5665 (New): VA-API encodes with hardware but doesn't decode
When transcoding with va-api, the CPU usage is reduced but not as much as it could be.
The problem is that althoug...
Tom Butler


11:02 Tvheadend General: EPG only has 29 events
I'm using DVB-S2 in the UK and previously the EPG has had thousands of events, now, I have 29 events. I wonder whethe... Tom Butler


21:00 Tvheadend General: SAT>IP Server question
Am I right in thinking that a SAT>IP Server will allow me to watch channels from my TV Tuner on other devices on the ... Tom Butler


16:43 Tvheadend General: RE: Bouquet stopped working
It seemed to rescan overnight. Is there any way to force it to "save" the channels and stop using the bouquet after t... Tom Butler


20:36 Tvheadend General: RE: Bouquet stopped working
I've tried that and it hasn't made any difference :( I mapped a couple of channels from different muxes, it's been ab... Tom Butler
19:37 Tvheadend General: Bouquet stopped working
I had to reboot my media server and since it came back up, I have no channels.
This seems to be a problem with the...
Tom Butler


18:05 Tvheadend General: HTSP Python example error
I don't have any experience with python but wanted to get the example running so I can port it to node, however, I ca... Tom Butler
16:33 Tvheadend General: Get HTSP channelid for any channel?
The channelIds used for streaming HTSP are different than HTTP IDS. For example, this works:... Tom Butler
16:04 Tvheadend General: RE: How do I use timeshift?
Nevermind, I got it working! Whatever the "On Demand" option in timeshift options does breaks it. It works perfectly ... Tom Butler
15:48 Tvheadend General: RE: How do I use timeshift?
I assumed that's how it *should* work. Pressing pause works, but then all I can do from there is press play to resume... Tom Butler

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