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Mark Clarkstone, 2018-01-26 12:06
Make it clear what value is used for the build type choice.

APT Repositories

Official Repository

The official deb packages are built using Doozer and our repository is provided by Bintray.

Build Types and Versions

Build Type Description Version Repo Component
release The latest version marked for release 4.2.5 release-4.2
stable The latest stable code with changes/fixes between releases 4.2.5-x~githash stable-4.2
unstable This is the current development "bleeding-edge" 4.3.x unstable

It's advised that you use release or stable, only use unstable if you want bleeding-edge & don't mind breakages!

Supported Distributions and Architectures

The official repository supports the following distributions and architectures.

Distribution Architecture Notes
Debian Jessie "jessie" (8.x) - i386
- amd64
Debian Stretch "stretch" (9.x) - i386
- amd64
Ubuntu Xenial "xenial" (16.04) - i386
- amd64
- armhf
- arm64
armhf/arm64 do not have transcoding support (yet)
Trusty "trusty" (14.04) - i386
- amd64

Where are the builds for my distro/arch?
At the moment the Doozer build system only has support for a limited number of build targets. New targets will be added as soon as possible. Take a look at the 3rd-party repos below or build your own.


First install bintray's GPG key:

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 379CE192D401AB61 

If you see something like the following:

Executing: /tmp/apt-key-gpghome666/ --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 379CE192D401AB61
gpg: failed to start the dirmngr '/usr/bin/dirmngr': No such file or directory
gpg: connecting dirmngr at '/run/user/0/gnupg/d.1234/S.dirmngr' failed: No such file or directory
gpg: keyserver receive failed: No dirmngr

You need to install dirmngr
sudo apt-get install dirmngr

Once installed add the key again, it should succeed this time.

Select which build type you want and add the repository accordingly:

echo "deb DISTRO REPO-COMPONENT" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list

Replace DISTRO with the distribution's code name (as quoted in Supported Distributions and Architectures). Replace REPO-COMPONENT with the desired build type.

Make sure you, use the text in the Repo Component column and not Build Type.


echo "deb xenial stable-4.2" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list

Refresh the available packages and install:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tvheadend

Note: if you install more than one suite you will only ever get packages from the one holding the most recent version number, so the order of priority would be:

unstable > stable-4.2 > stable


Please open an issue or join the IRC channel to report problems with the official repository.

Unofficial Repositories

3rd-party unofficial repositories.

Ubuntu PPA

Unofficial PPAs are provided by Michael Marley that provide packages for Artful, Zesty, Yakkety, and Xenial for the amd64, arm64, armhf, i386 and ppc64el architectures.


First, pick either the Stable or Unstable build:

For the Stable PPA containing daily builds from the latest stable branch:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mamarley/tvheadend-git-stable

For the Unstable PPA containing daily builds from master:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mamarley/tvheadend-git

Then, for both:

Update your packages:

sudo apt update


sudo apt install tvheadend


If you experience issues with this PPA please contact Michael on IRC (mamarley in #hts on Freenode) or Launchpad.

Raspberry Pi / Raspbian armhf

Unofficial Raspbian packages are provided by mpmc for both Raspbian Jessie and Stretch. Before using this repo please read the notes.


To use this repository follow the official usage guide, but change the repository URL from to and replace DISTRO with raspbianstretch or raspbianjessie.


  • These builds are done manually and may lag behind, however I'll do my best to keep them updated until the official repo is able to provide the packages.
  • Only stable-4.2 and unstable builds are available. There is no release-4.2 build. There is now a release-4.2 starting with 4.2.4.
  • There's no transcoding support, mainly because the Pi isn't powerful enough to do software transcoding and hardware transcoding is not yet available.
  • There is no changes to the code whatsoever for these builds.
  • Make sure to enter the distro as raspbianjessie/raspbianstretch and not jessie/stretch.


If you experience issues with this repository contact mpmc on github or send a message on IRC (mpmc in #hts on Freenode).

Updated by Mark Clarkstone about 7 years ago · 86 revisions